Smiling is one of the easiest things we can do everyday that not only makes us better but makes us feel better too! Everyone is attracted to a smile, even people you don't know! It's a common language that everyone can speak and understand. This is the reason why many people smile when they are trying to persuade, convince, or relate information to other people! Let's take a look at how smiling is not only mentally healthy for you, but also physically healthy as well!
Smiling Changes Your Mood
Smiling has a way of tricking the mind and body into changing its mood and believing you are actually happy physically as well as mentally. Even if you still remember things that make you unhappy or feel physically bad, by smiling you trick the body into going along with your outer appearance! Smiling on the outside can make you smile on the inside!
Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
If you have a blood pressure monitor at home with you, try monitoring your blood rate while smiling and you will see the significant decrease in your blood pressure rate!
Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling boosts your immune system by helping you to relax and therefore allowing the immune functions to work properly. You can easily prevent flu and colds by smiling!
Smiling Releases Endorphins and Serotonin
Endorphins are chemicals released into the brain that helps us feel better mentally and physically. Serotonin is also. These chemicals when released can serve as natural pain killers and help heal bodily ailments faster.
Smiling Lifts The Face
All across the country cosmetic surgeons would be mortified if all of their patients began smiling more! Smiling acts as a natural face lifter, giving you the appearance of being younger than you really are!
Smiling Brings Monetary Benefits
Smiling has the effect of making you appear extremely confident! People who have affectious smiles are often hired and/or promoted by their appearance of extreme confidence which helps them to attract business, people, and important relationships which can all be converted into monetary benefits if preferred.
So when you think about it, smiling has 100% profit because its absolutely free and you have both mental and physical benefits from doing so! Smiling is a whole lot cheaper than doctor visits, make up and cosmetics, therapist visits, and all the other things people make crazy amounts of money on. Just think of how much your really getting when you smile and it will help you to do so even when outer circumstances are contrary :)