Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Super Computer Has The Power Of 2 Million Laptops???

                                   As of last year 2011, what was once thought to be decades away has been debuted and whats left to ponder is what it means for our world. Since the early 1980's IBM has been developing a super computer...not just any super that has the power of two million laptops! The Sequoia puts the top 500 super computers in the world to shame and while it has made history it will dramatically change the future of not only our lives but our world as well...whether we like these changes or not.  Announced at The American Physical Society in Boston by IBM, the multi-billion dollar empire was contracted by the U.S. government to build such a computer. Amazing, huh?Lets take a look at some of the capabilities of a super computer that can make the technological advances of the past 40 years look like child's play and why some would have a problem with a super computer being able to make our world dramatically better or dramatically worse in the hands of the exceedingly wealthy and greedy.
             The basis of a super computer (.....and the Sequoia exceeds this...) is that it replaces regular binary bits "1" when on and "0" when off with quantum bits that have the ability to be "1", "0", or both simultaneously. However, although tremendously faster super computers was the expectation, the quantum bits were previously too unstable for use yet scientists have found a way to reduce their instability enough to put them on a chip...hence, the Sequoia, the only complete and solely quantum computer in the world. The speed of it is hard to imagine and it contains a whopping 1.6 million processors that work mind-bogglingly fact the word "fast" is an understatement. Well what can it do? The super computer developed in the 1970's  created all of the technological advancements we have advancements in weather prediction, code breaking, encrypting and decrypting and so forth. This in turn has effected us by allowing more accurate models to be made. This is a crucial and key point. Models make up the entire world of technology and technology makes up our entire world. More accurate models effects business, money, capital, industries, politics and everything else you can think of. The Sequoia creates faster and amazingly accurate models, more accurate than any super computer ever created. This computer, belief or not, allows pharmaceutical industries to simulate the effect of drugs in the human body, giving them more control over whats getting put out in our world and what it can do to us. More power is not what the drug industries need but they now have it. This super computer also allows Wall Street to simulate the effects of events on the stock market, hence the appearance of man made catastrophes in the name of politics...because Wall Street is the vehicle for politics. The Sequoia can simulate human blood flow. This either means two things, crazy advancements in cloning maybe...humans! Or it could mean creating artificial intelligence that isn't so artificial. All making sense yet? A super computer of this magnitude does not only have the power to change our world but it also the power to destroy it.
              The U.S government has allowed the use of the Sequoia to simulate nuclear testing for the U.S Department of Energy at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Yes, the super computers main use is for war. What did you think it was for? Making our lives better?
In conclusion, the love of money and insatiable greed has put the fate of our world into the hand of computers....excuse me...SUPER computers.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Racism is Taught. Stop Teaching It!

                     In reality, racism still exists and is NEVER going to end. Sounds a bit harsh but it is  indeed true simply because there will never stop being different types of races on our planet. As long as there's races there will be racism. However, has anyone ever taken the time to analyze the behaviour of children? Sure! We all have at some point, right? Children are always asking questions, exploring and trying to find out more and more about this world we live in, mostly because they're new here. This behavior implies what we already know is true; Kids don't know everything! That means to a child, unless he is taught to see people as different from himself, everyone is the same to him! Shocking, huh?
            Racism is not inherited. Its not a trait that gets passed down through our blood and through our genial lineage. Racism is taught. The only way that this ugly set of beliefs can be stopped is to stop the teaching of it to our future generations. This means our children.
          Would you agree that kids learn even when we don't want them to? Whatever you do you can almost trust that they are right behind you doing the same thing because they want to be like us. We're all that they know! This can be understandably frustrating, especially when you're doing and saying things you wouldn't want them to do or say. Yet the fact remains, children learn everything they are taught and we as adults never cease to be teachers, whether of good things or bad things. This is sadly how racism is carried on through generations in spite of years of trying to be corrected. One racial slur belted out in a fit of rage or softly whispered because you think no one is around to hear you is in fact being heard by the tiniest of ears. Comments and jokes that contain racially insensitive content is not "just a joke" or "just a comment". Its racism in its biggest form because of the fact that its taken so lightly. To think how many times a child encounters or over hears a racist remark or term expressed in everyday life is appalling considering that there are actually some people who literally tell their children not to associate or to be afraid of, and generally frown upon a certain race of people or all races that are not their own. Then there's the media, and though we cannot hide from it, we can counteract it by our own simple choice. We must choose to change ourselves first in order for racism to stop effecting future generations and though it is a change we all must make, each person must make their own personal commitment to stop teaching racism in our deeds, actions, habits, words, and beliefs because aren't these the real things that make us who we are?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Haiti Two Years Later: A Million Haitians Still Homeless

                    Two years ago January 12, a completely devastating earthquake hit the country of Haiti, a country that was already known to be one of the most poorest countries, and now the number of homeless and hungry has increased! Since the earthquake there has been over $4.6 billion pledged to the rebuilding of Haiti by donors across the globe yet experts reveal the shocking truth that it could very well be ten years before any "visual" recovery is made in the country. After two long years only a measly 43% of relief funds have been disbursed and still over 500,000 Haitians are without homes, not to mention the millions without food or decent amenities.
          So where did all the money go???? Watchdog groups claim that charities failed to govern and facilitate the funds properly, importing overpriced equipment and supplies /personnel, and shelling out millions for board members in high end renting. Another pitiful account for the funding is campaigns that cost millions! Telling people to help Haiti costed more than actually helping the country! Organizations, groups, charities, television appearances, newly formed social societies all in the name of the country's earthquake sucked the funding dry by the millions, leaving a still suffering Haiti to wonder does anyone care at all.
       American Red Cross, one of the largest organizations that fled to Haiti's rescue received a staggering $486 million in donations following the country's earthquake. They however announced that their main focus would be on building "permanent" homes and repairing the damaged ones instead of constructing temporary residences. So basically this means that they would rather take years to build permanent housing and risk the lives and safety of millions of women and children than to act now and build a home, permanent or temporary, to satisfy the quite obvious needs of the Haitian people. Poor excuse and reasoning in every one's book I'm sure. According to president and CEO of the American Red Cross, Gail McGovern, "Recovery is well underway". This statement is quickly contradicted pictures and first hand accounts of the suffering of people in Haiti two years later.
         So is there hope for Haiti? Oxfam, an organization created to solve infrastructure problems in Haiti states, "The second anniversary of the devastating earthquake must be a call to action!" (Cecilia Millan, Oxfam's country director in Haiti). While this sounds a tad bit promising, another organization offers a quite clear perspective on reality. "Quite honestly, donor funding is never going to be enough", says Tom Adams, U.S State Department's Haiti special coordinator to the Miami Herald. "In some areas we are really just starting".

Welcome to Our World Revisited

Welcome to Our World Revisited