Motivating Life Truths!

                                                     Motivational Life Truths

#1   The ability to succeed lies within everyone!
                  In the beginning each of us are born with no ideas about life, who we are, or our purpose. We are born with a clean slate! However, as we mature we develop our beliefs about life through the direct impacts on us, such as family and friends, the media and society. The problem begins here! If what you hear and see is always telling you that you are unacceptable, that conformity is key, and that you are what you see around you, chances are you will learn to believe these ideologies and shape your life around it subconsciously. Success lies within everyone but it is those who rise above the common beliefs of society that unlocks this success!

#2   Everyone has a purpose in life!
                 Just as all forms of life on Earth have a distinct function and unique capabilities, each and every human being born in this life possesses a purpose. Whether it is understood or believed, the truth remains that all living things serve a purpose created by the universe. Everything has value and plays a key part in existence here on Earth. Contrary to popular belief, there are no "accidents" here on Earth. Everything created is suppose to be here, so is everyone who is born. Do you not perceive the universe as being capable of managing itself? Was it possible to make yourself? Do not believe in the feelings you have been conditioned by society to have since birth. You are distinct and very precious strand in the fabric of life and its time to start fulfilling your destiny!

#3  There are many roads to take in life that leads you to your destiny! Don't get hung up on one misfortune!
                   There will be times where what you are doing or the road you're on in life turns out to be not at all what you expected it to be. This is just a part of life. However, it does not determine your future or your destiny. Its just a fact. A misfortune or the realization of a failure is in fact a good thing for now you can take on another route and change your procedures to avoid being in that situation again. If it doesn't work, find another road! Sure it sounds superficial, but only the people who understand this concept will be able to stay strong and live the life they want to live.

#4  Knowledge is the key to understanding which brings happiness!
                    Have you ever noticed that cause of sadness or depression often comes from people just not knowing what to do? This is because as humans we are only happy or comforted when we know or have hope of knowing something. If we do not know something or the hope that it exists we become indifferent. This is why we will never stop discovering new things about our world. We are creatures who depend on knowing, searching, seeking out answers to the questions we create. This is why knowledge is important! If you do not become informed or gain knowledge about the world around you it can be the producer of many insecurities and uncertainties which lead to sadness and depression.

#5  Be strong enough to face your problems head on! Stop avoiding them and stop running away from them.
                   Being strong does not mean you have all the answers. It just means you are not afraid to face the unknown. Running away from a problem or situation is a widely accepted alternative to addressing the real issues of life, this is the reason why strong minded individuals often tower above the multitudes and become rare in their community. It is easy to look at others who are strong and rationalize excuses on why you are not like them. It is easy to hide underneath the shadow of a nearby tree than to grow your own. Although it is common, this is not what you as an individual should be seeking after. You can be strong too! You can overcome your circumstances! You can solve problems too! The strong and the weak are the same, however one person stands while the other chooses to run away and become slaves to circumstance, one chooses to look towards the future while the other is afraid of it.

#6  Having a healthy and productive belief system is the key to unlocking opportunities and possibilities you've never dreamed of!
       Whatever it may be, believing is key to achieving it! It doesn't matter so about the facts or about what others believe, say, think, or do. Its all up to you and how much of yourself are you willing to put forth in an effort to believe. Dreams do become reality and believing propels you in the direction of these dreams so put away all limiting beliefs and all rationalizations and excuses. Keep dreaming and never stop believing in them. Take actions towards them, but most importantly never stop believing in them!

#7  Where you are now in life is not where you will be in the future. Change is inevitable!
        The one thing constant in life is that there is always change. Everything on this planet must change and adapt in some way and this includes changes that have to do with your future, your heart, and how you think. We all grow but not necessarily at the same rate so do not become overly anxious about things you haven't experienced, learned, or encountered yet! There is surely more to come because life changes with every step and each day brings something new. Learn how to manage where you are now and this will take you where you want to go later for change is sure to come!

#8  Be flexible!
         We've all heard of not putting your eggs in one basket, right? Well there is much truth to this saying! Being able to adapt to changing circumstances makes you a stronger person for life is filled with changing circumstances. Being flexible means that you are able to make regain focus quicker, be pulled in many directions and still make smarter and wiser choices which brings credit to your flexibility. Don't be afraid to expand your reaches and embrace new opportunities once they become available to you. Having a plethora of options, alternatives, and reservations is extremely important in life because nothing is guaranteed. Becoming focused and attached to one reservoir can lead you to distress once that well has one dry.

Welcome to Our World Revisited

Welcome to Our World Revisited