Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do Short-Lived Celebrity Marriages Give Holy Matrimony A Bad Look?

             We all know that no one is perfect and even the people that are idolized in our society for their appearance or special talents are sure as heck not perfect, having all of their most vulnerable moments strewn into the public eye day after day. How many embarrassing celebrity moments have we seen on television and the web....the public breakdowns....the legal drama... the list never ends! Still, with all of this being realized, we as human beings idolize each other all the more when fame is matter what we hear or see about each other. Take celebrities for example. We still listen to their music, flaunt their fashion line, sell-out their movies on the big screen and tune in to their reality shows faithfully. Could this be creating a responsibility on celebrities subconsciously? Being in the public eye means you definitely have a responsibility to the public in what you do and how you portray yourself. The slightest misunderstanding can cause a on-sleight of unwanted trends. Celebrity looks aren't the only thing beings copied or made apart of the life of the average population of their viewers. Even personalities, motives, and alarmingly so, many beliefs are adopted as well due to the words and actions of many of the rich and famous. Like marriage! Being married in the celebrity world surely doesn't mean "til death do us part". In fact, marriages in the public eye could begin and end as fast 24 hours! Could this atrocious fact slowly be giving marriage a bad look?
                              To many people around the globe, marriage is not a casual union, neither is it a mere shallow agreement. In some countries, religions, and cultures, marriage is a most sacred act and is done not out of selfish ambition or with the intent to end it in 72 days. These beliefs have held up and esteemed marriage in the eyes of people everywhere, so much so that as children we are taught that marriage is an honor, an achievement, and a lifelong commitment to look forward to with someone that you love. Many religions consecrate marriages in the presence of a minister, priest, or holy clergy signifying the holiness of the act, meaning that it is a commitment made in the acknowledgement of both God and man. For marriage in the public eye to be taken so casually could even be found as blasphemous  but because money and fame are two of the most valued things in our society, this idea is overlooked and swept under the carpet.
                             Lets slow down here! You may be thinking that celebrities aren't the only people on earth who get married with false intentions and impure motives and they certainly aren't the only people getting married and divorced within the same year. You are correct! However there is a major difference between what I do and what someone else does with the fame and fortune of Kim Kardashian. You have never met me in your life and you probably never knew me before you came across this blog. Kim Kardashian is a well known figure and even though you probably never met her, you'd bet your bottom dollar that you knew about her and so does the rest of the world for Pete's sake! When I go out to eat people don't take pictures of what I'm wearing and post them in everyday fashion magazines around the world for women to idolize and try to mimic. Do you see what I'm saying? What the average citizen does is non-existent to some extent compared to what a celebrity does and how it effects people. A simple outing for me does not change fashion history or cause a media frenzy. So for a celebrity to partake in a sacred union and break it in 72 days is like giving the okay to their fans and the general public to denounce marriage and all that it stands for....after all, marriages come and go! This the wrong idea to have about a life-long relationship and commitment! Marriage is a commitment and commitments are born out of convenience or someone having too much to drink and suddenly feeling loved. When its portrayed as such by people who are highly respected in some way, the morals and values of such a decision begins to die. People begin to form unwise similarities in society between dating and getting married. Dating is not the same a marriage. Dating someone for 72 days is different from marrying them for 72 days but our minds have become so numb to the fact that such short and unthought-out decisions are made in the eye of the media that we say, "Oh, well", instead of saying " This is horrible". Our reactions have become so passive to the promotion of what is wrong and the demotion of what is right. This is extremely dangerous because who is going to hold up our beliefs if we don't. No one. They disappear like "the gentlemen", or "the virgin". Such things don't hold value anymore and are forgotten, seen as ancient characteristics. The sad part is that ancient characteristics almost always belong to a once great civilization that now belongs to history.

Friday, October 21, 2011

How Smiling Is Physically Healthy For You!

Smiling is one of the easiest things we can do everyday that not only makes us better but makes us feel better too! Everyone is attracted to a smile, even people you don't know! It's a common language that everyone can speak and understand. This is the reason why many people smile when they are trying to persuade, convince, or relate information to other people! Let's take a look at how smiling is not only mentally healthy for you, but also physically healthy as well!

Smiling Changes Your Mood
Smiling has a way of tricking the mind and body into changing its mood and believing you are actually happy physically as well as mentally. Even if you still remember things that make you unhappy or feel physically bad, by smiling you trick the body into going along with your outer appearance! Smiling on the outside can make you smile on the inside!

Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
If you have a blood pressure monitor at home with you, try monitoring your blood rate while smiling and you will see the significant decrease in your blood pressure rate!

Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling boosts your immune system by helping you to relax and therefore allowing the immune functions to work properly. You can easily prevent flu and colds by smiling!

Smiling Releases Endorphins and Serotonin
Endorphins are chemicals released into the brain that helps us feel better mentally and physically. Serotonin is also. These chemicals when released can serve as natural pain killers and help heal bodily ailments faster.

Smiling Lifts The Face
All across the country cosmetic surgeons would be mortified if all of their patients began smiling more! Smiling acts as a natural face lifter, giving you the appearance of being younger than you really are!

Smiling Brings Monetary Benefits
Smiling has the effect of making you appear extremely confident! People who have affectious smiles are often hired and/or promoted by their appearance of extreme confidence which helps them to attract business, people, and important relationships which can all be converted into monetary benefits if preferred.                                                   

                                          So when you think about it, smiling has 100% profit because its absolutely free and you have both mental and physical benefits from doing so! Smiling is a whole lot cheaper than doctor visits, make up and cosmetics, therapist visits, and all the other things people make crazy amounts of money on. Just think of how much your really getting when you smile and it will help you to do so even when outer circumstances are contrary :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why Have So Many Celebrities Died At Young Ages? What is The Real Price of Fame?

                                     Is anyone else alarmed at the rate of deaths among celebrities who are under or at only 50 yrs of age? This has been happening for a long time now (actually since the 1970s). Apparently, there exists a club, "The 27 Club", which is a group of artists and many other celebrities who have all passed away at age 27. Isn't that alarming? Why do so many celebrities die so young? Is the celebrity life such a hard one that celebrities actually lose their live behind it? What is the real cost of fame and is it worth paying?
          We must realize that in order to attempt at finding the mysterious culprit for so many young celebrity deaths we have to look at the vulnerabilities of being in the public eye, for unlike us, a "regular" or "normal" life is a luxury that many celebrities had to give up as just one of the costs of the fame they sought. They are now exposed and made more vulnerable to criticism and exploitation and even hated and adored by people who don't really know them. This type of vulnerability is not normal to endure on regular basis and can cause extreme amounts of depression and poor mental health even to the best. It can also cause the destruction of their belief system (not knowing whats real or fake).

With these things being said, usually drugs and alcohol is the only solace in the constant struggles of fame and stardom, drugs and alcohol being the number one killer of young celebrities across the country. You may be thinking that stress and depression  is not enough to outweigh the perks of being a celebrity. With mansions, condos, millions in cash, and people waiting on you hand and foot (not to mention tons of fans), what more can a person ask for? Stress and depression, loneliness and longing for stability reaches an entirely new level when stardom and the public eye is involved. Fame increases everything it touches....and some may feel this is a good thing....but what about vulnerability and insecurities? While the cash keeps rolling in, these problems roll in with it! Fame is not free and for some celebrities who are no longer with us, the price for fame was just too high.

                              A second point we must look at is the rate which life moves for a celebrity and how much faster life seems to be for them. As a young star, many celebrities have not had the chance of experiencing and going through life at a steady and normal rate , with highs and lows, good times, bad times, first times, last times, and generally a balance of all life experiences. In the life of a celebrity who has acquired a high amount of game, everything is fast paced, accelerated as if they are in another dimension almost. Becoming a celebrity  at the young age of 17, for example, can really take a toll on someone, seeing as though life is really just beginning for them and at the faster rate of living (due to the high amounts of cash) a celebrity can live right past his life! This is why many celebrities take to hiding the real them and putting on a show for others because they too do not know the real them and this is painful to realize. Sometimes a person can get caught up in "living" until they lose their lives. To the public, a celebrity is the epitome of "living the good life", yet they are seeing only a tenth of what this person is actually experiencing. Most of their life is seen on camera or on stage and in the "media-perfect" lens created by their producers and publicists. A fast paced life may seem exciting but I ask this question: If the celebrity life is so great then why do many celebrities try to revert back to normality or harp on and on about celebrity life being such a challenge?
What is the real cost of fame? Lets read what some celebrities say about their experiences in fame:

" I.....I like it at times but you know, I like it when I'm on the stage, but honestly I would be very happy if I could cut it off....and just enjoy my life when I wasn't performing."        -Beyonce Knowles (CNN Official Interview)

"I don't have friends in this industry. I have my circle and I have my people who've been with me through the bad times and the good times. Everybody else is just wallpaper."              -Chris Brown (Angie Martinez's Hot 97 Radio Show)

"I no longer know who's my friend or my enemy. I'm always second guessing everyone, trying to figure out, 'who is this person and what do they want from me?' "                        -Nicki Minaj (Black Book Magazine Interview)

" 'Oh, he's so arrogant, he's so this, he's so that!' People don't even f---ing know me and have so much to say. Paparazzi, anybody who comes close enough to me, if I ask you not to take a picture of me or not to ask me something: just realize I am a real person. I'm not a celebrity. I'm just famous and stuff, and I make good music."                    -Kanye West (MTV Europe Music Awards Interview 2008) 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why You Shouldn't Get Angry When She Forgets The Napkins

                         "How hard is it to put some f***ing napkins in a bag, you stupid b****!" This is just some of the gross things that come out of the mouth of customers who have a rough day and don't feel like being nice anymore. Problems at work, problems at home....all this frustration turns into anger and guess who gets it? The guy or girl working behind the counter at a fast food restaurant near you. Many times the tables are reversed and all throughout any given day a fast food restaurant worker could be talked to inappropriately by customers and even managers, so much so that they end up taking their anger out on the next customer in line who takes to long to order or the next customer in the drive-thru window who wishes to change his entire order. In a society that is constantly in a hurry day after day, it is not uncommon for everyone to feel a little stress or pressure because of the numerous economical and social changes that occur. Its pretty tough to say whose at fault for the way people act when we all at some point are rude or impolite intentionally or unintentionally.

One thing is certain! Understanding each other is not enough to eliminate the negative effects our society has on us which happens to show up in the most minuit situations like taking or giving a simple fast food order. The truth is that no matter who we are or where we are everyone deserves respect and sadly our society is only producing more and more disrespect with things like layoffs, downsizing, unemployment, rising gas prices, and the reliance on a government that is so good at lying to its citizens that its not even funny.

The only answer to the symbolic chaos between a fast food worker whose overworked and underpaid and a customer who realizes he might be late to a job he hates while waiting in line for coffee is not the increase in pay. Neither is it a less amount of work. Its Jesus Christ!

If you are reading this article you may be thinking that the above answer is  a highly impractical one, for not everyone believes in God and that he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and redeem us from death, hell, and the grave. You are right. Not everyone believes and thus is the setting for a world who does not believe.....bitterness, anger, toil, insecurity, fear, and rage. Believing in Jesus Christ and that he died as God's only son sent down from heaven to earth to show us that he too was once flesh and was able to conquer death....believing that he sent his son to redeem us by his blood on the cross of Calvary and show us how much God truly loves us, his people, his greatest creation....believing this will help us to see our world the true way...God's way!

Believing in God means trusting that his promises in The Bible are true, that he will take care of us and that he is always with us! This eliminates fear of what man can do to the body for we know that our soul lives forever in Christ. Though you may be surrounded by the burdens and stress of everyday living you will not be moved by it, neither will it come near you! How is this, you ask? Well, believing in God is not like the systems created by the world. You will never be forgotten or overlooked and He is swift to reward those who believe and trust in him. You will never be underpaid or overworked for God is all-knowing and all-powerful! He lacks nothing and everything is in his hands, even the heart of the manager who treats you rudely or the boss who just informed you that the company may be downsizing. You have nothing to fear for wherever life takes you God is forever with you and he promises that he will always deliver you and cause you to flourish, even when all is uncertain.

                                     The next time you look into your bag and theirs no ketchup or napkins just remember that a fast food restaurant is an establishment full of overworked and underpaid individuals who have bills to pay and children to feed just like we do. Believe that the God in you is bigger and smarter than the god of this society we live in. To believe in God is to truly live for then we have a higher purpose, then we represent and become the light in a dark world that's searching for desperately for something more.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Is Capital Punishment Practical?

                                             Religious communities across the globe all have their beliefs on capital punishment and where it lies within the brackets of morality but lets be honest, apart from it being moral or immoral, is the death penalty even a practical solution to crime? Morals can be judged however practicality is not up for question seeing as though no one wants to wast time and money doing something that has no real benefit and is highly ineffective towards the it main goal. Does killing someone who may have killed someone else actually benefit the victims, their families, or our society? How much money is being wasted on capital punishment verses rehabilitation? What happens when our justice system as made a mistake (which is not uncommon)? Will people continue to die because they have no money to prove their innocence while other individuals who are imprisoned had only to prove they are not guilty?
                       Inmates who receive the death penalty do so for the following crimes in the U.S.: murder, sabotage, treason, perjury, aircraft hijacking, kidnapping, or even robbery, arson, and resisting arrest in some states (Wyoming). What is the benefit of death in the case of any crime? A family who suffers a major loss by the hands of a felon will not see their precious loved one ever again, neither will it reverse the pain they feel simply because this particular felon has been executed. Feelings of revenge soon die away once their is no other outlets of justification, death being the last attempt at a sort of "reimbursement" for their loss. The pain of the victim's absence remains with the victims family for years to come while execution of the convict provides but a temporary satisfaction or relief that will never heal their hurt. Is it really worth it then? What is common for us as human beings is to think of the present moment as the only relying factors in making decisions. How we feel today or at the moment is often the basis for many actions however this is a shallow and unfulfilled resort to any type of control over a situation and ultimately a reckless one! An eye for an eye leaves both blind. A death for a death leaves two grieving families while the rest of the world moves on with their lives! This is where the question of practicality comes in.What are we really benefiting from? Vengeance? Rage?....or a sick form of justice that holds the stench of human emotion? Practical? I think not.
                     Lets first realize that the death penalty is not like other forms of punishment created by justice system. Financial wise the death penalty is the most expensive form of justice and definitely too expensive to be ineffective in society. The reason costs are so high for this type of sentencing is because the U.S Constitution demands a long and intricate judicial process for capital cases. With the millions spent on the death penalty our communities could open better schools, quality public facilities, safer roads, improve hospital care, and many other interventions to help improve the life of the average citizen instead of killing them when they become victims of the society we live in. How can we kill criminals when we're constantly creating them? A change must be made and killing the criminal won't kill the crime. Why not save money by rehabilitating or creating more education these individuals? Are they not born of our own corrupt society? The cost of the death penalty is significantly higher than the cost of changing our communities and this is another area where the question of practicality comes in. Is it practical to spend time, effort, and extensive funding on the death of a man than spending less money on his rehabilitation? The state of California alone can save 1 billion dollars in over 5 years by replacing the death penalty with life without parole. Incarceration estimates 11.5 million dollars per year whereas the death penalty estimates 137 million per year.
                      It is no question that our justice system in the United States has imprisoned or capitally punished innocent people due to the faulty evidence and loopy accounts of witnesses. One would be surprised to know that most capital sentences are ordered without adequate legal representation due to the fact that almost all defendants in capital case cannot afford their own attorney! This means if you're not wealthy enough you could die an innocent death! Is this the way justice should be served in country that prides itself on having "liberty and justice for all"? Being given a state appointed attorney, these defendants who face capital punishment place their very lives in the hands of overworked, underpaid, and unprepared attorneys. These attorneys are given to them by states who already believe they are guilty judging by the fact that the defendant must prove his innocence, not the fact that he is not guilty.

We should all think that the death penalty keeps capital crimes at a lower rate. It does not! Scientific studies on capital punishment show that each year murder rates increase in states using the death penalty! How is it that such an expensive and irreversible punishment is so ineffective at lowering crime rate. Probably because death is not the answer to death.

You can find more info on the death penalty at:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Are Rights Infringed For Security Purposes or For Blatant Disrespect?

               With the fall of the Twin Towers on the morning of September 11, 2001 fell the dignity of many Americans, the hopes and dreams of the people effected, and in some cases, the freedom of the American citizen. It is only logical that security forces be concerned more than ever with the safety of the public and must in some cases override many freedoms for the safety of our country. It is quite reasonable that surveillance tactics be updated and enforced heavily, for US airports to be highly patrolled for the security of the general public and our airways. However when is it okay to violate human rights? Freedom is one thing to be sacrificed but human rights is another! I was appalled to read the story of Shoshana Hebshi, a 35 yr old woman who was handcuffed and removed from an airplane at a Detroit Airport to be strip-searched, fingerprinted, and interrogated because of her half-Arabic, half-Jewish, ethnicity. Hebshi was victimized on the Anniversary of September 11th's terrorist attacks on America, bringing about the same shame but from a different source...ourselves! After landing in Detroit Shoshanna Hebshi and two others who looked "Indian", both who were unrelated and unfamiliar with each other, were removed from the plane on the grounds of  "suspicious behavior". Apparently a fellow passenger felt uncomfortable and alerted authorities because the two men who sat on the same row as Shoshana got up to use the restroom at the same time. After being interrogated it was found that one of the men felt ill and the other just had to use the restroom.Wow! The flight crew claimed the men were staying in the restroom for a while and found this grounds to alert the FBI and Homeland Security to escort the them along with Shoshana (whose appearance was her only offense) off the plane handcuffed and humiliated while Shoshana was ordered to be strip-searched! Yes! She was strip-searched, interrogated with questions and sent on her way with a mere apology! What did a 35yr old freelance writer,editor, and stay-at-home mom of three do to deserve to be handcuffed off of a plane and told to undress??? Apparently all she had to do is be of Arabic descent. This is extremely embarrassing and shows a blatant disrespect for human rights let alone freedom. When is it okay to treat a human being like an animal, being restrained and herded of a plane like cattle? We are becoming no different from our enemies when we victimize our own people. We do not even treat our enemies this way! America is a country of pride, dignity, and integrity. We don't stoop to the level of the enemy but we conquer him by bring up to our level, a level he can never reach on his own! What a disgrace to hear this woman's shameful story for it represents the triumph of our enemy who has not only claimed so many lives but has claimed our respect for one another! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Do My Life Goals Need Protection?

                 The answer is yes! All life goals need protection from doubt, negativity, and downward forces of the outside world. When you think of goals, think of them as airplanes that are preparing for lift off to embark on a journey. The destination? A remarkable future. You have taken a great deal of care to get the airplane ready. You've invested time and resources into what you've been believing in and now you're expecting a phenomenal outcome! You've calculated the benefits and you've gathered all the information you need! You've stepped into action and you can hear your planes engine roaring! However, sometimes the best of all your preparation and hard work won't keep the airplane of your life goals from crashing miserably to the ground. After all the work you put in it would really suck to have your goals clouded by the judgements of others, by circumstances, by your own self doubt, and by forces that seem to prey on outstanding goals. The truth is that this happens pretty often than anyone would like to admit. This is why every goal, ANY GOAL, must be protected!
            Before we establish our life goals we perform much needed calculations. This is necessary however we are more eager to calculate the benefits of reaching a goal over the cost of maintaining it. This isn't good. If I have a life goal to become a waitress and you have a life goal to become a surgeon our goals would encounter different outside forces. You may have to fight harder for your goal than I have to because I am just an application away from my goal whereas you are years of schooling away from yours. You may have to let go of more than what I would have to let go of in order to reach my goal. You may even feel like giving up more often than I do! This is because the bigger your goals are the bigger the cost, however the common cost in any life goal is fighting for it! How hard you have to fight to maintain your goal depends on how big your goals are because outside forces are attracted to goals that are bigger and out of the ordinary. Did you know that they could also be attracted to the way you feel about yourself and your goals in life? Sometimes we can be our biggest opponent in the fight for our success.

                                Protecting your goals in life is essential for the existence of these goals because we do not live in a perfect world or a fair society where good things always happen to good people and everyone loves each other. You will come in contact with people who don't believe that your goals are obtainable or that you are being flat-out ridiculous. You will encounter people who feel you have no right to look forward to certain goals especially one that they themselves have never dreamed of pursuing. You may even face a circumstance or two that say no to your dreams and breaks your spirit. These are the cost that we sometimes fail to calculate and can send our goals hurdling to the ground.

So how can we go about protecting our life goals from the downward forces of our world?How can we get our airplane of goals off of the ground and into the air?

First we must plan accordingly. If you know that your goals require a lot more than the average goal then by all means come prepared! Be sure to pack confidence, self esteem, motivation, and lots of determination! Some people like to look for these important essentials in the world around them but Jesus Christ our saviour is the best resource for our journey for he created us! He gives us the confidence, the self esteem, the determination and the motivation to get over the worst turbulence and outside forces that try to bring our goals to the ground. When our focus is on what the bible says that Jesus has in store for our lives then the voices of negativity, doubt, and judgement seem far away for we know he has great plans for his people!

Secondly we must get rid of unnecessary holds that attach themselves to our goals and tries to take precedence over them. Often times circumstance will attach itself to a life goal and you'll find yourself thinking "If only I were better at this....", " If only I had this.....", "If only I were like him or her....". These are unnecessary holds that have attached themselves to the plane and is preventing lift off. Circumstances never determine anything but the kind of person that you are once you face them. Are you brave? Do you fight for what you want to see happen in your life or do you shrink back in fear?

We are who we need to be! We have all that we need to have! We are the perfect person for our goals because the bible says that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

Lastly you must make a final decision. Protecting your life goals is hard to do when you're not really sure if this is what you want to pursue in life. You must search within yourself. Ask God if this is what He would have if you. Ask yourself if you are willing to do what it takes to get there. Making a final decision that this is indeed a goal you have for your life will make the outside forces of this world weak and inoperable against any goal you set for your life.

Always remember that NOTHING, and NO ONE can stand in our way unless we allow them follow your dreams and always shoot for the highest star!

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Divine Mechanism Called Dissatisfaction

            In a society where we are constantly being conditioned to like or be satisfied with the things we seemingly cannot change, we must realize that dissatisfaction with the ordinary or the less than par quality of life is a divinely spiritual reaction to the New Age. New Age philosophy was born in the United States and its children are consumerism and technological dominance. With the turn of the century we have seen more changes to our society, more laws that dehumanize, more surveillance that invades and degrades, more technology that makes life easier yet complicated...and to be dissatisfied with this is not wrong! It is neither a product of our feelings or our mind, It is a Divine intervention for God never intended our world to be this way! He never intended for man to be enslaved by his world but to rule and have dominion over it, for we are gods, formed and shaped in His image just as the bible says in Psalms 82:6 ; "Ye are gods; and all of your children are of the Most High".

                                  Anything that dehumanizes, demoralizes, and devalues a man is not from God but is a product of sin. To be dissatisfied with sin is a Divine mechanism that God, Our Creator, incorporate deep within us which will always know the truth, will always seek the truth, and will always know deep within that there is more than what we see. The philosophy of the New Age does not have the well-being of humanity in mind and is lacking in wisdom because it serves Satan, the prince of this world. We must realize that Satan's greatest enemy is a pure heart and the power that God places within every man. This is the reason for all the things that devalue man in our society for if we were all to realize our true identity as gods there would be nothing that could stop us from living up to our true potential instead of ducking down to the restraints of sin in cowardice.
You see, the society of the New Age tells you that  is okay to be seen as a number that works day after day to generate income for the economy and then dies. To be dissatisfied with this is not wrong! Its your Divine nature to want more and to expect more out of life! New Age society will also tell you that you are only as good as the things you consume, that you are what you buy. You however, having Divine blood coursing through your veins, will be dissatisfied with this idea because you are a god made to rule over the things of this world....not vice versa! Yet you can expect to be told over and over again how to feel, how to think, how to act, and how to talk through the media which uses propaganda to condition and brainwash millions into servitude of sin. This is wrong and will always cause dissatisfaction because we serve God. We serve the Creator, not the creation!

             So what do we do in a world such as ours? What do we do in a society like this one? We take our rightful place as gods! We do not conform and we do not fall into servitude of sin. We will open our eyes and perceive a world from the perspective of kings and queens, gods with dominion over Satan and his kingdom, over the world, over every situation, and over every circumstance. Gain knowledge. To see from a royal perspective one must increase in knowledge and abandon ignorance. One must learn, read, study, and gain knowledge from all that is presented to us for only slaves shrink back in fear of ridicule or of what he does not know. Gain wisdom and understanding. And most importantly gain Christ!

It is tremendously important and crucial that we answer the call of the Divine dissatisfaction for this is within man, set as a marker to remember where we come from for we  are heavenly beings having a human experience. If you are dissatisfied with your job, go to school! If you are dissatisfied with your marriage try harder and initiate a plan of action! If you are dissatisfied with your income make more money! If you are dissatisfied with you then start living up to your God given potential and be the god He created you to be for your dissatisfaction is Divine!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Age of The Impersonal

         The war on terrorism has been going on in the U.S for decades now and what do we have to show for it? We are up to our necks in surveillance while our soldiers die by the thousands. One would think that it will always be, seeing as though we are always finding new ways to keep watch, create more limitations, and maintain a controlled yet subtle grip on civilian life.Its all for our protection of course...Am I the only one who is beginning to feel like the war on terrorism is really a war on us! High tech chips and devices are created today that years ago were only seen in sci-fi movies. Did you know that an individual could actually spend an entire day without interacting with another human being simply because human services are being replaced now by machines??? Is this healthy? What is the purpose of eradicating human physical interaction? Most importantly what's up with all the surveillance???

Some would argue at, "High-tech, first-world countries are being tracked, traced, and databased, literally around every corner". who are we to be studied so closely like lab rats...test subjects. Are we really trying to go as far as too create our own world where we, humanity, will emulate God? It sure seems like a clear cut path to the prophecies of the book A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Hmmm....lets look at some of the ways we are being tracked, traced and databased by a potentially future police state according to :

GPS — Global positioning chips are now appearing in everything from U.S. passports and cell phones to cars. More common uses include tracking employees, and for all forms of private investigation. Apple recently announced they are collecting the precise location of iPhone users via GPS for public viewing in addition to spying on users in other ways.

Internet — Internet browsers are recording your every move forming detailed cookies on your activities. The National Security Administration has been exposed as having cookies on their site that don’t expire until 2035. Major search engines know where you surfed last summer, and online purchases are databased, supposedly for advertising and customer service uses. IP addresses are collected and even made public. Controversial websites can be flagged internally by government sites, as well as re-routing all traffic to block sites the government wants to censor. It has now been fully admitted that social networks provide no privacy to users while technologies advance for real-time social network monitoring is already being used. The Cybersecurity Act attempts to legalize the collection and exploitation of your personal information. Apple’s iPhone also has browsing data recorded and stored. All of this despite the overwhelming opposition to cybersurveillance by citizens.
RFID — Forget your credit cards which are meticulously tracked, or the membership cards for things so insignificant as movie rentals which require your Social Security number. Everyone has Costco, CVS, grocery-chain cards, and a wallet or purse full of many more. RFID “proximity cards” take tracking to a new level in uses ranging from loyalty cards, student ID, physical access, and computer network access. Latest developments include an RFID powder developed by Hitachi, for which the multitude of uses are endless — perhaps including tracking hard currency so we can’t even keep cash undetected. (Also see microchips below).

Traffic cameras — License plate recognition has been used to remotely automate duties of the traffic police in the United States, but have been proven to have dual use in England such as to mark activists under the Terrorism Act. Perhaps the most common use will be to raise money and shore up budget deficits via traffic violations, but uses may descend to such “Big Brother” tactics as monitors telling pedestrians not to litter as talking cameras already do in the UK.

Computer cameras and microphones — The fact that laptops — contributed by taxpayers — spied on public school children (at home) is outrageous. Years ago Google began officially to use computer “audio fingerprinting” for advertising uses. They have admitted to working with the NSA, the premier surveillance network in the world. Private communications companies already have been exposed routing communications to the NSA. Now, keyword tools — typed and spoken — link to the global security matrix.

Public sound surveillance — This technology has come a long way from only being able to detect gunshots in public areas, to now listening in to whispers for dangerous “keywords.” This technology has been launched in Europe to “monitor conversations” to detect “verbal aggression” in public places. Sound Intelligence is the manufacturer of technology to analyze speech, and their website touts how it can easily be integrated into other systems.

Biometrics — The most popular biometric authentication scheme employed for the last few years has been Iris Recognition. The main applications are entry control, ATMs and government programs. Recently, network companies and governments have utilized biometric authentication including fingerprint analysis, iris recognition, voice recognition, or combinations of these for use in national identification cards.

DNA — Blood from babies has been taken for all people under the age of 38. In England, DNA was sent to secret databases from routine heel prick tests. Several reports have revealed covert Pentagon databases of DNA for “terrorists” and now DNA from all American citizens is databased. Digital DNA is now being used as well to combat hackers.

Microchips — Microsoft’s HealthVault and VeriMed partnership is to create RFID implantable microchips. Microchips for tracking our precious pets is becoming commonplace and serves to condition us to accept putting them in our children in the future. The FDA has already approved this technology for humans and is marketing it as a medical miracle, again for our safety.

Facial recognition — Anonymity in public is over. Admittedly used at President Obama’s campaign events, sporting events, and most recently at the G8/G20 protests in Canada. This technology is also harvesting data from Facebook images and surely will be tied into the street “traffic” cameras.

Well this is all a bit freaky seeing as though some of the devices and networks listed here are things we have made apart of our daily lives I mean our cell phones???? How are we suppose to live without those??? The purpose of this article is not make one fearful but to make one informed which is very contrary to the popular cliche that 'ignorance is bliss'. Ignorance is ignorance! Being informed always gives you the edge in a world that is constantly changing and is an advantage for any citizen. One could choose to be afraid or one could choose to be smart! The latter is obviously a better choice!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Are You Being Told What To Think? Are You A Lazy Thinker?

                                    Well of course we must study our daily actions, our thought patterns, our reasoning, and be familiar with who we are in order to answer this rather seemingly simple question. In truth, how often do you make decisions based upon necessity and compulsion? How often are you thinking for yourself, or do you ever think for yourself at all?

What must be realized is that of how the idle mind works! What is an idle mind? In terms of Christianity, the bible warns against having an idle mind, going as far as to say it is "the devils workshop". An idle mind is one that is not thinking, unoccupied, uninterested, and unproductive. You may even say an idle mind is a mind that is "asleep"! A sleep to what??? To all that is being done around him, to all that directly effects him, to the REAL WORLD around him. An idle mind is given his or her thoughts and opinions by mass media tactics developed by individuals who think and think on an extremely high level. In fact, "elite thinkers" are people who have shaped our world by shaping our ways of thinking. Elite thinkers never stop thinking and they are never "asleep" (the Illuminati eye never closes).

Mass media has two faces. The face that the idle mind sees is one of which is strictly controlling. Through commercials, movies, television shows, music, entertainment (and even education some what), the media is seen as a type of god to the idle mind. We will call this person who possesses an idle mind a "lazy thinker" because indeed he is! Mass media encourages the lazy thinker to do what it wants them to do and never stray, almost treating the herds of our population like sheep. Does this sound familiar? The bible refers to humanity often times as sheep where Jesus Christ being the ultimate sheppard who came to guide the sheep and be a protector, a good sheppard who will never lead his flock astray. However there has always been an enemy, a sheppard who is not good, not nice, unloving and uncaring. This sheppard is Satan who manipulates, confuses, and leads his herd to certain destruction. Which sheppard do you think mass media would be associated with? Lets first see all that the mass media encourages  and the direction it leads its sheep in:
1) Commercials are 20-30 second videos filled with imagery suggesting that there is something the lazy thinker needs, wants, and lacks. The lazy thinker views these needs and wants to be his own when really they are ideas that are given to him or her by the media. The elite thinkers make up the mass media and are the sheep that lead the other sheep because mass media works for Satan, the bad sheppard.

2) Movies are 2-3 hour videos full of imagery that suggest a fantasy or dream of the common lazy thinker in order to keep him thinking about what is expected of him. The movies encourage and even increase the lazy thinkers fears, anxieties, and the numerous thoughts already given to him by the bad sheppard. This is done all in the nature that the lazy thinker prefers. This is relaxation, comfort, fun, and just bright enough to see a few feet in front of them. Just think about how it looks in a movie theater.

3).Working a 12 to an even more unreasonable amount of hours in a day is not uncommon for the lazy thinker. They receive a paycheck that is used to pay bills, support his or her family, and afterwards is then spent on the different things they think are fun or will bring them happiness.What the lazy thinker thinks is fun or is a bringer of happiness is only monetary avenues set up by the elite thinkers, the mass media, to help  keep the lazy thinker on his path, to keep him working, to keep him dreaming, to keep him listening and most importantly to keep him "asleep".

4) The elite thinkers who control mass media encourages the lazy thinker to feel certain ways regarding his sexuality. The most common way lay thinkers are encouraged is to feel that sex means nothing, that it is done on impulse, like having a snack, or going to the store to buy something you think you need or like. Secondly, they are made to feel that sex holds no moral or holy sanctification, that sex is not a sacred act and can be associated with all the other functions of the body. The lazy thinker is made to feel that they are only as good as the last time they had sex because sex is treated just as material things are. The more you have the better you are.

5) The mass media hates to lose a lazy thinker just as a sheppard hates to lose one of his sheep. This is why the media encourages his sheep to join  groups, adopt a faith, become apart of something that other lazy thinkers are apart of. Once they are apart of something the lazy thinker is not as the elite thinker is. He conforms. He is easily  molded and influenced. This keeps the lazy thinker a lazy thinker! Only in a few rare instances does a lazy thinker rise to become an elite thinker. This is because the media even controls religion. It tells the masses how and what to believe in about God, putting limitations on their view of God, making them see a distorted view of the true and living God. God, the good and wise sheppard, must be perceived on a level not like that of the lazy thinker but on a level as that of an elite thinker though both are indeed sheep. This is why the bible teaches  "my people perish for lack of knowledge".

                                               Who are you? Are you an elite thinker? Are you an average thinker that dangles between the two extremes? Or are you a lazy thinker being given your thoughts and opinions because your mind is asleep. Whatever you believe, whatever your race,  whatever your dreams or occupations, WAKE UP! Perceive the world around you and make deductions! Acquire knowledge about your world! All of humanity holds the potential to become elite thinkers!Who do you want to be? Decide and be thus so!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

How Major Hurricanes Bring Major Bucks For Companies!

                                    "Certainly, our industry does see an increase in demand during these times", says Jeff Dudan, CEO and founder of Advanta Clean, a major disaster cleanup company that has been in operation for 17 years! They are just one of the companies and businesses that will be making money after and leading up to Hurricane Irene. For these businesses a natural disaster means big bucks! As Hurricane Irene draws closer to the East Coast, residents are greatly encouraged to evacuate several areas where the storm will hit the hardest. Moving companies will certainly benefit from this prompting as millions have already evacuated and have needed, and will need in the future, a moving company to carry and relocate all of their possessions, things they don't want taken away by the storm. Already 300,000 people have had to evacuate their homes in New York City and Mayor Bloomberg has said about the evacuation that 'you have to start now!'  With a storm bearing 78.5 miles per hour winds, who will be moving these people and their belongings to safety? You guessed it! The small moving business will now be on the move, making sure the people evacuate and thus making a great amount of money in the process.

As unexpected as a hurricane is many people found it a surprise that their area would be affected and they are in need of funds to prepare their homes, evacuate their families, and buy basic necessities for living throughout the time period of the storm and some time after if the hurricane does more than the expected damage.

Banking systems will benefit tremendously as people will most likely need to apply for loans after a natural disaster or open new lines of credit, at the most extreme take out money they do not have in their account resulting in millions alone in overdraft fees/penalties. 

Whether the storm weakens or strengthen, insurance companies are not taking  a chance either. Taking advantage of the opportunity given to them by natural disasters, insurance companies have encouraged many home owners to ensure their homes or adjust their insurance claims on their homes in order to prepare for any major damages their homes may encounter. Well this sounds like a great idea from their point of view. Many have already jumped on board with their insurance company and have taken them up on various offers to which higher insurance rates may result and may just be the underlying purpose of an insurance companies "concern" for their clients home. How thoughtful of them.

We cannot forget miscellaneous industries such as the gigantic Walmart industries, major home repair industries like Home Depot, and other businesses that sell utilities, food, and other necessary supplies for a high impact hurricane. $$$$! An average hurricane supply list includes water, batteries, flashlights, blankets, canned foods, cereals, first aid products, hygiene products, and so much more! Not to mention supplies to prepare the exterior of your home. Hurricane shutter are a big sell during these times.

                              With all this being said, whatever the expenses are in a natural disaster its important to do what you have to do to be safe...if it costs a pretty penny! Hoping and praying for the best is not a bad thing either and doesn't cost you anything! Stay safe and know that God is in control...even if your safety expenses leaving you seeing double!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why Do Some People "Need" To Insult Others?

                                           Have you ever come across individuals who seem relieved after insulting or passing judgement against someone else? Even though its hard to believe that there people who actually "need" to do this, it is both true and very common in a pressured society. For someone who has found the wrong outlet for their stress, insulting others gives them comfort for their own imperfections, makes them feel powerful, and helps them to feel better about themselves. Helplessness for this individual is the root of all of his or her emotional problems and insulting people is their outlet....the wrong outlet. Many people don't realize they have this need to pass judgement or insult others without reason. This is because in their subconscious mind their "needs" of validity are being met through doing this when in actuality it is creating more of the feelings they are trying to get rid of by venting through insults.

What does it mean to feel helpless? Feeling helpless is to feel that you are not getting or receiving what you feel you need. If you are someone who needs to feels weak then you may also feel helpless to change this feeling of weakness until you actually begin to do something about it. Insulting others can make you feel a temporary power, a power that one would feel if he had just stepped on a bunch of ants. Of course this power is the weakest type of power and goes away once you stop insulting people. This is why a person who feels he needs to insult others has to keep doing it, even if he doesn't feel like it sometimes. One should never seek to feel powerful by belittling others for if this power depends upon other people then is this really power? Real power stands alone and needs no one to depend upon or validate it. In fact, power validates others!

In a pressured society it is not uncommon to find individuals searching for outlets all around them. Any way to relieve the stress and the pressure of society on them is what individuals will depend upon and feel they "need". Passing judgement, insulting, and belittling others is the most passive and easiest outlet to find and rely upon. This is why it is so common! Whatever society is making them feel, they pass these feelings on to others through their outlet of insulting people. In a pressured society the people mimic the society. If they are being pressured they will in turn pressure each other. This is why insulting your neighbor has even taken on a new identity in certain societies. It may be seen as cool, sassy, or "the thing to do". In some places it can even become apart of common communication and it is not unlikely that these places are usually popular cities where the culture is so diverse and causes pressure within itself.

To feel better you must do better. There is no escaping it! Insulting, belittling, or downing others will only make you feel more of all the things you're trying to avoid because what is temporary can never be a solution to what is consistent. If you feel consistently helpless then do something that consistently changes that! If you are consistently feeling stress then find a consistent outlet for that stress. Negative outlets are always temporary because they create trouble and the bible says that trouble does not last always. Find a positive outlet and it will be consistent because whatever good that is produced will always find a way to keep reproducing itself. The bible says that the wicked are cut down as chaff but the just flourish as the noon day. Let God be your outlet. Let Him be the power you seek. Let Him handle your imperfections and you will never have to insult others to feel better about them.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Face Reading: What Your Facial Features May Say About You!

                                               Did you know that your facial features and their unique proportions hold meanings behind them that actually mirrors your personality? Scientific studies for many years have been conducted on the relationship between personality and facial features and what they've found has been proven to be true all around the world, even being used in marketing techniques for businesses and numerous media forms like television and the big screen! Researchers have found themselves statistically studying the behavior of individuals with specific facial features. You can conduct your own small study as well! Just look around you!Have you ever noticed that people with certain facial features that are alike tend to behave in the same way or share certain behavioral characteristics? Another example would be babies. Inspite of race or social status, babies all act the same and share the same facial attributes until they grow up and begin to develop unique features of their own. This is not by chance. It is because facial features and proportions are connected with personality traits.
                           How accurate is this study? Statistical research has related 68 personality and behavioral traits with unique facial features with an amazing accuracy of 90%! On the other hand, these studies have been around since our ancient ancestors and there has been just as much skepticism surrounding the studies as there are now, but businesses and the media have not thrown the idea of face reading to the wind entirely! In fact they have often begun to capitalize and incorporate face reading in their marketing strategies! Here are some facial features and their connected personality traits. Don't be surprised if you begin to see connections between people in commercials, movies, and the people you meet everyday!

Straight Forehead- This person is a progressive thinker. These people always think in order, point two coming after and only after point one. This person may be perceived as dumb however they are extremely intelligent! This person may find it difficult to think under pressure because he or she needs more time to think progressively but when they do they produce phenomenal ideas, strategies, and solutions!

Curved Forehead- This person is a creative thinker. They are able to think creatively at a whim and are very skilled in the arts! However this person hates restrictions, rules, stereotypes, and conventional routines. They think outside of the ordinary and life for them is hardly about numbers for they dislike math and subjects that primarily involve math.

Sloped Forehead- This person is an impulsive and fast thinker. He or she is very good at using their reflexes and often jumps ahead of themselves as well. They also talk faster and relate ideas at a faster speed than usual. However they are so very fast decision makers and can come to very swift conclusion about new people or circumstances.

Small Distance Between Eye and Eye Brow- This person is the favorite of a business man or sales person! He or she is not hesitant in their thinking and often times loves to go shopping or buy things with great haste and little thinking. It does not take much to sell them on something because they are very embracing and love trying new things!

Large Distance Between Eye and Eye Brow- This person would rather use the wait on making decisions and rarely makes them without thinking. It is rather hard to sell them on new ideas without many supporting facts and reasons. He or she never rushes on things and would often likes waiting to come to conclusions.

Relatively Big lips-This person loves talking and sharing their opinions and ideas. This person provides good company as he or she will hardly ever be silent or reserved. They can be very helpful for relating information for they will give you full details with little inquiring on your part.

Relatively Small Lips- This person is not talkative at all and only relates information when asked. He or she is great at keeping secrets or concerns. This person may be overly cautious however and unadventurous.

Eyes Closer Together- This person pays very close attention to detail and is great at focusing and concentration. These people dislike being disturbed or distracted and they love hearing about things that other people would find uninteresting. This person is easily stressed.

Eyes Farther Apart- This person often looks at the bigger picture! He or she is always relaxed and rarely gives importance to detail, however this person may find it hard to concentrate. This person can tolerate a great deal of outside circumstances without letting it influence him or stress him out.

Large Nose- This person dislikes routine and mundane work. They prefer making their own rules and love competition or moving up in rank. These people hate receiving orders and never like being passed over or unnoticed. They must always feel important.

Small Nose- These people enjoy monotonous work like filing or data entry. They are very systematic and routines are actually preferred by them. However these people would rather avoid confrontation and stay within limitations or barriers.

Round Tipped Nose- This person is often really inquiring and can be nosy at times. These people like to know about everything and hates feeling as though something is being kept from them. He or she is always looking for information and will sometimes try to pry things out of you and so they ask a lot of questions.

Straight Eye Brows- This person is a logical thinker and gives ear to facts over feelings. They are good with solid thinking and proof over emotional thinking and feelings. They are often bored with opinions and look for facts.

Meeting Eye Brows- This person never stops thinking! They are always analyzing and processing information in their mind, finding it hard to relax or sometimes even sleep. When major events happen in their life they will never forget them and often thinks about things that happened in the past.

Pointy Arched Eyebrows- These people are extremely authoritative and will fight for rank or position. They love confrontation and always seek a high status. They also love feeling important.

Thin Eye Brows- This person is very sensitive and non-confrontational.  They're feeling are easily hurt and they are easily wounded so do not shout at them or try and force your opinions on them for they are sensitive.

Curved Eye Brows- This person is very friendly and open. They love sympathizing and relating with others! They are also very loyal.

Protruding Cheek Bones- This person is courageous! He or she never escapes a fight and is always brave in the face is despair or hopelessness. Most often he is looked up to or called upon by others in times of need and is sometimes considered a hero and often times someones best friend or great source of inspiration!

....Interesting huh???!!

                            There are many more facial features and they're connected personality traits that are not listed here and they are all equally interesting! On another note, do not by any circumstance think that your facial features have anything to do with your capabilities or your quality of life because anyone, regardless of facial features, can change their personality and their lives! No one is restricted in life by their outer appearance for change is always inevitable! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more articles on Our World Revisited!

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