Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Are Rights Infringed For Security Purposes or For Blatant Disrespect?

               With the fall of the Twin Towers on the morning of September 11, 2001 fell the dignity of many Americans, the hopes and dreams of the people effected, and in some cases, the freedom of the American citizen. It is only logical that security forces be concerned more than ever with the safety of the public and must in some cases override many freedoms for the safety of our country. It is quite reasonable that surveillance tactics be updated and enforced heavily, for US airports to be highly patrolled for the security of the general public and our airways. However when is it okay to violate human rights? Freedom is one thing to be sacrificed but human rights is another! I was appalled to read the story of Shoshana Hebshi, a 35 yr old woman who was handcuffed and removed from an airplane at a Detroit Airport to be strip-searched, fingerprinted, and interrogated because of her half-Arabic, half-Jewish, ethnicity. Hebshi was victimized on the Anniversary of September 11th's terrorist attacks on America, bringing about the same shame but from a different source...ourselves! After landing in Detroit Shoshanna Hebshi and two others who looked "Indian", both who were unrelated and unfamiliar with each other, were removed from the plane on the grounds of  "suspicious behavior". Apparently a fellow passenger felt uncomfortable and alerted authorities because the two men who sat on the same row as Shoshana got up to use the restroom at the same time. After being interrogated it was found that one of the men felt ill and the other just had to use the restroom.Wow! The flight crew claimed the men were staying in the restroom for a while and found this grounds to alert the FBI and Homeland Security to escort the them along with Shoshana (whose appearance was her only offense) off the plane handcuffed and humiliated while Shoshana was ordered to be strip-searched! Yes! She was strip-searched, interrogated with questions and sent on her way with a mere apology! What did a 35yr old freelance writer,editor, and stay-at-home mom of three do to deserve to be handcuffed off of a plane and told to undress??? Apparently all she had to do is be of Arabic descent. This is extremely embarrassing and shows a blatant disrespect for human rights let alone freedom. When is it okay to treat a human being like an animal, being restrained and herded of a plane like cattle? We are becoming no different from our enemies when we victimize our own people. We do not even treat our enemies this way! America is a country of pride, dignity, and integrity. We don't stoop to the level of the enemy but we conquer him by bring up to our level, a level he can never reach on his own! What a disgrace to hear this woman's shameful story for it represents the triumph of our enemy who has not only claimed so many lives but has claimed our respect for one another! 

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