When most people think about acceptance they think of "taking whatever is dished out", "tolerance", or " being a pushover", and to the most extreme "not having your own morals or ideas" There are many other negative connotations that has been given to the idea of acceptance. Before seeing the strength in something, a way of thinking, or an individual, the human eye is always trained to see the weaker side first...after all, everyone remembers every bad or embarrassing moment in a celebrity's life and sadly tend to forget the shining or career defining moments that made us love them to begin with. However, this common attribute can cost us to lose out on many life-changing opportunities, smarter choices, and satisfying relationships. In fact there is great power in acceptance, more power than expected!
The first power that acceptance has is that everyone is looking for it! Its high in demand and very hard to find due to the misinterpretation of it.....just as money is sometimes misinterpreted and therefore scarce or seemingly hard to come by. The fact that acceptance is highly treasured among us human beings makes it a power within itself, and guess what? We all have it to give! We are all capable of accepting other people, point of views, walks of life, cultures, and preferences. There are far more reasons for exercising this power of acceptance than just our moral prospectives of it. One reason is that when something is high in demand and really hard to find, we will do anything for it, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. Looking from a positive point of view, acceptance can change people's lives for the better, turn around communities, get people to believe in themselves, and bring growth and success to anything and anyone. Think of flowers. Do we uproot them and place them on our living room rug and command them to grow? No! We accept that they need sunlight, water, and much nurturing in order to grow...in order to provide the outcome that is widely expected which is to be beautiful!
The second power that acceptance has is that it is indefeasible! What a power! No one can ever be accepted whole hearted for who they are and not experience a positive outcome or a productive result! There is no negative affect of truly accepting someone and the lie that is widely believed is that if you accept someone they will hurt you, or if you accept something you never have before that it will deceive you. Basically it is deemed as being naive to accept or embrace. Therefore we live a closed life with a closed point of view and a closed future. When you realize that acceptance is the very first step to change, which is an attribute of growth, which is a characteristic of success, then can one truly believe. Belief is an exhibitor, not an inhibitor. Exercising your powers of acceptance can change any circumstance and any situation. Acceptance is also the first form of love and we all know that love conquers all.
The third power that acceptance has is that it is contagious. If you don't think contagiousness is a power you can ask anyone who has ever had a virus! Accepting someone is a clear and sure way of having that person accept you, accept others, and spread the first form of love to everyone they know. Acceptance is like opening the door to the world. When you accept someone they must open their door too, and to receive acceptance from them, others will open their doors. Have you ever refused anyone who has come knocking at your door with a million dollars to give you? That's exactly how valuable acceptance is and many times the first instinct of humanity is to question. Even gifts are questioned for the motive at which they were given. Yet acceptance never relents! Its keeps knocking in an everlasting hope of a reply! Discover your power of acceptance today and make the first step in changing your world! OMJ
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