Ambition has a distinct power to propel you in the direction that you want to go, so much so that it appears like you were made for the journey you embark on. There is so much more to discover and the path ahead of you beckons you further, driven by your inner motives, dreams, and desires. However, what you will eventually find evident is that the further you go in your journey the less you appear to know or are certain of. The things you once knew become a mere glimpse as you see that you have yet to scratch the surface of what appeared to be so clear to you at one point. This factor is present in all areas of life and it is why life is seen as a constant journey where you're always learning, growing, and responding to your world. This can be intimidating at times for on any journey you chose to embark there are factors such as the fear of the unknown, unfamiliar surroundings, and the anxiety to reach your destination. These factors can hinder your process, which is the entire purpose of the journey to begin with. Even the most proficient mountain climber or well experienced hiker leaves trail marks to find his way back to where he started from for most likely at this location he will find water, food, all of his supplies, and other things he packed for his journey. In life, a trail mark can be an encouraging word, a distinct promise, or a defining moment of your life. It can be a reassurance of your journey's purpose and even the comfort of what you already know to be true. These trail marks in your journey are important and necessary in eliminating the factors that can hinder you on any journey.
Just as a shelter, coat, or blanket keeps you dry from the rain, so does the memory of encouraging words or deeds in times of uncertainty. The fear of what we do not know can never be stronger than encouragement because it keeps on giving! Every time you remember it a new faith and a sturdy hope is given to you for your journey, and guess what? You can always come back to it! That's the good part! No matter how far you go it will serve as a trail mark to lead you back to confidence, and reassurance which is so important on any journey so take encouraging words to heart!
Promises can be broken, however there is strength in those that last forever. To know that something or someone is keeping a promise towards you causes you to believe in yourself all the more and this is what keeps the ambition flowing on a journey that seems purposeless and sometimes a total waste. When you apply a promise to unfamiliar surroundings, its like painting the bare walls of a room and giving it the life and color that you are familiar and accustomed to. Now you can call that place home! As rare as they are, promises can be made to you by anyone or anything. You can even promise yourself something! Close your eyes and picture you standing in front of your own self. Promise yourself that you will do everything you can to succeed and that you will never give up on you.
There is something about a defining moment in a person's life that makes it so. Whatever it is about that moment stays with them and makes them who they are today, whether good or bad. In this case a defining moment for the better will help you get rid of an anxiety to reach your destination. When you are anxious you rarely consider processes or other related factors attached to what you're anxious for. You just want it and you want it now! However a defining moment in your life shows you that in time the thing you desire will be yours and this too will be a defining moment of your life just as all the others were. Before anyone graduates from school they are so anxious to, and then they finally do. Then they become anxious for the next thing in their life. If you place a defining moment as a trail mark in your journey of life you will understand that you are the person who succeeded in that particular journey. Why should now be any different?
When your ambition takes you farther than you've ever gone before there is no need to fear the unknown, or unfamiliar surroundings. You also don't have to anxious for your destiny for the trail marks of encouragement, a promise, and a defining moment of your life will lead guide you in the reassurance and purpose of your journey, otherwise called home.
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