Lets just jump right in here. Super heroes don't exist! Yes we loved them as children and we still love feeding into the humor of their possibly being a human with super-human abilities that dresses up in costumes and saves the world from evil and potential danger. We love feeding this crock to our children along with other misleading conceptions that form negative thinking patterns inside their minds at an early age. As harmless as it may seem to let your child believe in these media-bred personalities and characters, the effects of it is seen when the toys are put away and your child is now an adult who has low self-esteem and a poor self image. You will be surprised to find that there are many successful and seemingly established adults who walk around with low self-esteem and a poor self image that they've learned to cope and rationalize very well, even to the point where it becomes hidden from others and even themselves so that they are able to lead a good life. Anything that you once believed in does not magically disappear. These beliefs become irrelevant in your conscious mind as you become and adult (because adults don't believe in superheroes....hopefully) and so they are stored in the subconscious mind which dictates 99.9% of your daily actions. Your conscious mind will never be able to override your subconscious mind. If so there would be no need for psychologists. So you see the problem? When an adult finds himself thinking and feeling a certain way about himself its because if the thoughts that have accumulated in his subconscious mind. If you made the connection between unrealistic beauty and princesses as a child, it would not help for you to pick up a magazine or flick on the television and see seemingly "perfect" models, even if you feel you could go for one of them because at the slightest evidence that you may not be able to then your self esteem will plummet and so will your self image. This is not healthy. Nothing should be able to have this type of control over you. The same happens with people who once believed in superheroes as a child. As a child these beliefs get stored in your subconscious mind and inadvertently cause you to feel a certain way about yourself. As you get older the media takes the place of these childhood beliefs and re-establishes them or confirms them in order to make money, for if you felt you were perfect would you look at magazines that tell you that you aren't? Would you spend money on a new wardrobe if you believed you were perfect without one? And most importantly if you once believed that there are humans that are "super" out there then this may subconsciously result in an inferiority complex and as a result, a poor self-image.
Super hero crock tells the subconscious mind that people can have qualities you can't have. The conscious mind sees a superhero. The subconscious mind sees something you cannot do because you don't have super-human qualities. Dangerous! No one has super human qualities! This is why you find some people who are overly self-conscious, depressed for an unknown reason in the present moment, or a suffering from insecurities. Even anxiety can result from this type of belief because you will subconsciously feel like you're not measuring up or that you're not doing enough, causing you to feel anxious or panicky for no real reason at all.
Another thought super hero crock tells the subconscious mind is that humans are helpless creatures who constantly need protecting. Under this belief children always look up to super heroes and its part of the fun mysticism of being a child. However these beliefs, once you are an adult (and no longer believe in super heroes anymore) get stored in your subconscious mind and gives way to elusive feelings of helplessness or the thought that you must be saved or protected. The problem here is that you are the person who can save you! You are the only person who can truly help you, but with this belief causing stinky fumes in your subconscious mind you will most likely relinquish when it comes to taking initiative and become helpless for no apparent reason. Depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance in your hormones...its caused by a mental imbalance in terms of thinking.
So what am I to do, you say? If you find yourself in any of these situations caused by the stored thoughts in your subconscious mind then you must immediately form contradicting thoughts to the ones inside your subconscious mind. How do you do this? Look around you! Observe everything and everyone around you and assume you know nothing more than what you see. Humans are humans once you stop looking through the lens of your insecurities and preconceived thoughts of inferiority. There are no super heroes around you! We are all the same and whatever I can do is your capability as well. Instead of trusting in your thoughts observe everything around you. You will see mistakes, mishaps, flukes, imperfections, and your subconscious thoughts in super hero crock will weaken into non-existence. When this happens you will no longer feel helpless. In fact, you will feel like a super hero!
Super hero crock tells the subconscious mind that people can have qualities you can't have. The conscious mind sees a superhero. The subconscious mind sees something you cannot do because you don't have super-human qualities. Dangerous! No one has super human qualities! This is why you find some people who are overly self-conscious, depressed for an unknown reason in the present moment, or a suffering from insecurities. Even anxiety can result from this type of belief because you will subconsciously feel like you're not measuring up or that you're not doing enough, causing you to feel anxious or panicky for no real reason at all.
Another thought super hero crock tells the subconscious mind is that humans are helpless creatures who constantly need protecting. Under this belief children always look up to super heroes and its part of the fun mysticism of being a child. However these beliefs, once you are an adult (and no longer believe in super heroes anymore) get stored in your subconscious mind and gives way to elusive feelings of helplessness or the thought that you must be saved or protected. The problem here is that you are the person who can save you! You are the only person who can truly help you, but with this belief causing stinky fumes in your subconscious mind you will most likely relinquish when it comes to taking initiative and become helpless for no apparent reason. Depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance in your hormones...its caused by a mental imbalance in terms of thinking.
So what am I to do, you say? If you find yourself in any of these situations caused by the stored thoughts in your subconscious mind then you must immediately form contradicting thoughts to the ones inside your subconscious mind. How do you do this? Look around you! Observe everything and everyone around you and assume you know nothing more than what you see. Humans are humans once you stop looking through the lens of your insecurities and preconceived thoughts of inferiority. There are no super heroes around you! We are all the same and whatever I can do is your capability as well. Instead of trusting in your thoughts observe everything around you. You will see mistakes, mishaps, flukes, imperfections, and your subconscious thoughts in super hero crock will weaken into non-existence. When this happens you will no longer feel helpless. In fact, you will feel like a super hero!
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