"How hard is it to put some f***ing napkins in a bag, you stupid b****!" This is just some of the gross things that come out of the mouth of customers who have a rough day and don't feel like being nice anymore. Problems at work, problems at home....all this frustration turns into anger and guess who gets it? The guy or girl working behind the counter at a fast food restaurant near you. Many times the tables are reversed and all throughout any given day a fast food restaurant worker could be talked to inappropriately by customers and even managers, so much so that they end up taking their anger out on the next customer in line who takes to long to order or the next customer in the drive-thru window who wishes to change his entire order. In a society that is constantly in a hurry day after day, it is not uncommon for everyone to feel a little stress or pressure because of the numerous economical and social changes that occur. Its pretty tough to say whose at fault for the way people act when we all at some point are rude or impolite intentionally or unintentionally.
The only answer to the symbolic chaos between a fast food worker whose overworked and underpaid and a customer who realizes he might be late to a job he hates while waiting in line for coffee is not the increase in pay. Neither is it a less amount of work. Its Jesus Christ!
If you are reading this article you may be thinking that the above answer is a highly impractical one, for not everyone believes in God and that he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and redeem us from death, hell, and the grave. You are right. Not everyone believes and thus is the setting for a world who does not believe.....bitterness, anger, toil, insecurity, fear, and rage. Believing in Jesus Christ and that he died as God's only son sent down from heaven to earth to show us that he too was once flesh and was able to conquer death....believing that he sent his son to redeem us by his blood on the cross of Calvary and show us how much God truly loves us, his people, his greatest creation....believing this will help us to see our world the true way...God's way!
Believing in God means trusting that his promises in The Bible are true, that he will take care of us and that he is always with us! This eliminates fear of what man can do to the body for we know that our soul lives forever in Christ. Though you may be surrounded by the burdens and stress of everyday living you will not be moved by it, neither will it come near you! How is this, you ask? Well, believing in God is not like the systems created by the world. You will never be forgotten or overlooked and He is swift to reward those who believe and trust in him. You will never be underpaid or overworked for God is all-knowing and all-powerful! He lacks nothing and everything is in his hands, even the heart of the manager who treats you rudely or the boss who just informed you that the company may be downsizing. You have nothing to fear for wherever life takes you God is forever with you and he promises that he will always deliver you and cause you to flourish, even when all is uncertain.
The next time you look into your bag and theirs no ketchup or napkins just remember that a fast food restaurant is an establishment full of overworked and underpaid individuals who have bills to pay and children to feed just like we do. Believe that the God in you is bigger and smarter than the god of this society we live in. To believe in God is to truly live for then we have a higher purpose, then we represent and become the light in a dark world that's searching for desperately for something more.
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