Saturday, March 5, 2011

Our World Revisited: Can A Day Without The Media Be Healthy For You?

                                      Many people wouldn't be able to and it's actually a bit of a feat! In today's society going a day or even 30 seconds without being in some way connected to the media is not normal and often times viewed as an unfortunate thing surprisingly. Whether the news, horoscopes, your favorite TV show or a social network (which is an addiction itself), we all have found ourselves in some way connected to the media as often as we can and its become a normal as tying your shoes. However, what is rarely considered are the benefits of being without this superficial deity we rely so frequently on called the media. What causes us to be so diligent and loyal to the media anyway? Many would argue that in so many ways our views and opinions are handed to us by the media We're constantly being told what to look like and how to appear to others, and we're even made to change our lives based upon it. By no means am I bashing the media and its propaganda...I'm merely shedding light on how the media has a powerful influence on our lives so much so that being away from it in some way makes us feel alienated from our world or out of the norm. How beneficial can this be to us? Can a day without the media be healthy for you?
                                       Well let's be rational first. The media is one big source of reactivity. You receive information, the information is registered into your brain, and then what? Reaction! So you may be thinking now that reaction can happen with anything...not just the media. You're right! On the contrary do you believe and trust all the things that you can react to like you believe and trust the media? Is your life revolving knowingly and unknowingly around them like it does around the media? Let's be serious. Sometimes we believe in people or things we see and hear in the media more than we believe in ourselves or anyone else around us. How else could you explain the billions made by telemarketing, broadcasting networks, and social networks which is now the media's biggest business as of now? To go a day without the media's influence would mean being forced to be proactive instead of reactive. No longer will you be able to kick back and have your thoughts and ideas handed to you at the sacrifice of your own creativity. You would have to think for yourself! Gasp! Say it isn't so!
                                           The entertainment industry thrives from us being addicted to the media so on this special day where you are completely disconnected from it, you would have to find another source of entertainment. You would probably have to physically involve yourself in some source recreation. How inconvenient! You'll have to develop a hobby, something you like to do that was born of your own creativity and pro-activity that is done for your enjoyment and sometimes as a source of revenue. Entertaining is always better than being entertained because it has the benefit of lasting as long as you what it to and you have more flexibility, which means this can turn into something that can dramatically change your life! A television program or your favorite social network can only give you so much satisfaction within yourself, not mention it leaves you mentally spent. Doing something you love to do can only leave you mentally energized and searching for the next opportunity to use those creative juices.
                                       So I would actually have to go out and meet people? Yep! A day without the media means no Facebook! You would have to hold actual conversations with people in person because telephones are a source of media, believe it or not. This would be torture to some people because they do not have the comfort of being someone their not. You would actually have to embrace who you are as a person and hope that others will as well, because you are a human being...not a status update. For some of us this mean losing relationships with people we normally wouldn't identify with and people we secretly dislike but long to know whats going on with. You would actually have to ask questions about someone when you meet them. They won't be just a profile to you.... for just this one day of a "media-free" life experience.
                                        So how can I sum this up? Having a healthy state of mind is not deemed as important as it should be and in this day and age life is all about what we see, hear, and feel. As long as the media feeds us our daily meal of views, opinions, thoughts, and perceptions, we are satisfied. This should not be the case for outward success depends greatly on having a healthy state of mind. Would it be healthy to live a day of complete freedom from facts and unnecessary information, conformity and propaganda? Would it be a beneficial thing to be the source of what you want to experience in your life and make proactive decisions based not on the media's expectations? Can a day without the media be healthy for you? It certainly can!

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