Life, no matter what stage of it you're in, has a way of reminding you of the basics, the simplest of things that we are either ungrateful for, unaware of, or wish was something more. Sometimes it's the simple things that save us from spinning out of control in our constant greed for success and gratification. They keep us grounded and focused on what really matters other outside of the glitz and glam of society's propaganda. The simple things of life take many forms but generally hold the same meaning. They are those in life that we would never buy, sell, or trade, that which never loses its value to us and remain at the core of our happiness. A person who is ungrateful for, unaware of, or constantly wants to add to the simple things in his life will always collide with anxiety, self consciousness and self esteem issues, mental and social issues. This is because when you do not acknowledge your life as having a core, a foundation to all the things that surround you, this is like drowning in the murky waters of your own mind or being carried along the waves of life with nothing to bring you back home, and everyone needs to come home sometime in their lives.
Each of us were born with this yearning for something more, something better, success! However this yearning has a root and it stems outward from the core values of family, friendship, love, and happiness. Its possible to lose track of these values and have our vision distorted by the major deciding factors in our lives that originate from the media, societies views, and our constant need for gratification. Its easy to become ungrateful with how these things are represented to us. Like for instance, the person who has the noisy, boisterous, family may get tired of being around them and consider their presence a nuisance when there are millions of people who live their lives without the presence of a family or someone to show them love and affection, no matter how loud and crazy they are! Or how about the person who does not have all the things they want in life yet they have been content up until they passed by Alex's new home or Martha's new car? Immediately, this happens turns into ungratefulness because they have lost sight of the simple things in life that allow us to enjoy life and see it as something special.
Often times there exists those of us who have never had or was aware of the simple things in life or it's core values! This is a different situation to handle because you're starting from a place later on in life and this is mean its much harder to grasp. Perhaps you lived a sheltered life where the core values such as family, love, friendship, and happiness didn't exist. Perhaps you have been on the other end looking in on what life is really all about. The great thing about our universe is that it is always changing and is always making room for you to change your point of view! Its never to late to look inside yourself and your life and find what roots you to being the person you are today. Look around you! See life as you've never seen it before and don't be afraid to modify or reevaluate your thinking. Remember, you determine your own destiny!
As human beings we always feel the need to improve, make greater, or increase the value of something. However, we must learn that addition does not always mean progression. Just because you have added some external entities to your definition of love, family, friendship, and happiness, for example, this does not change its meaning or its value in your life. With or without all the money you can spend, friendships should never die and love should always be experienced. You should always be happy and enjoy meaningful relationships, a healthy state of mind and productivity no matter what is added or taken away from you because the core values of your life are at the center of life itself. So stop. Breathe! Accept the simple things in life. Enjoy them! You have to appreciate the simple things in life before you can understand and identify with the complex!
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