Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Age of The Impersonal

         The war on terrorism has been going on in the U.S for decades now and what do we have to show for it? We are up to our necks in surveillance while our soldiers die by the thousands. One would think that it will always be, seeing as though we are always finding new ways to keep watch, create more limitations, and maintain a controlled yet subtle grip on civilian life.Its all for our protection of course...Am I the only one who is beginning to feel like the war on terrorism is really a war on us! High tech chips and devices are created today that years ago were only seen in sci-fi movies. Did you know that an individual could actually spend an entire day without interacting with another human being simply because human services are being replaced now by machines??? Is this healthy? What is the purpose of eradicating human physical interaction? Most importantly what's up with all the surveillance???

Some would argue at, "High-tech, first-world countries are being tracked, traced, and databased, literally around every corner". who are we to be studied so closely like lab rats...test subjects. Are we really trying to go as far as too create our own world where we, humanity, will emulate God? It sure seems like a clear cut path to the prophecies of the book A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Hmmm....lets look at some of the ways we are being tracked, traced and databased by a potentially future police state according to :

GPS — Global positioning chips are now appearing in everything from U.S. passports and cell phones to cars. More common uses include tracking employees, and for all forms of private investigation. Apple recently announced they are collecting the precise location of iPhone users via GPS for public viewing in addition to spying on users in other ways.

Internet — Internet browsers are recording your every move forming detailed cookies on your activities. The National Security Administration has been exposed as having cookies on their site that don’t expire until 2035. Major search engines know where you surfed last summer, and online purchases are databased, supposedly for advertising and customer service uses. IP addresses are collected and even made public. Controversial websites can be flagged internally by government sites, as well as re-routing all traffic to block sites the government wants to censor. It has now been fully admitted that social networks provide no privacy to users while technologies advance for real-time social network monitoring is already being used. The Cybersecurity Act attempts to legalize the collection and exploitation of your personal information. Apple’s iPhone also has browsing data recorded and stored. All of this despite the overwhelming opposition to cybersurveillance by citizens.
RFID — Forget your credit cards which are meticulously tracked, or the membership cards for things so insignificant as movie rentals which require your Social Security number. Everyone has Costco, CVS, grocery-chain cards, and a wallet or purse full of many more. RFID “proximity cards” take tracking to a new level in uses ranging from loyalty cards, student ID, physical access, and computer network access. Latest developments include an RFID powder developed by Hitachi, for which the multitude of uses are endless — perhaps including tracking hard currency so we can’t even keep cash undetected. (Also see microchips below).

Traffic cameras — License plate recognition has been used to remotely automate duties of the traffic police in the United States, but have been proven to have dual use in England such as to mark activists under the Terrorism Act. Perhaps the most common use will be to raise money and shore up budget deficits via traffic violations, but uses may descend to such “Big Brother” tactics as monitors telling pedestrians not to litter as talking cameras already do in the UK.

Computer cameras and microphones — The fact that laptops — contributed by taxpayers — spied on public school children (at home) is outrageous. Years ago Google began officially to use computer “audio fingerprinting” for advertising uses. They have admitted to working with the NSA, the premier surveillance network in the world. Private communications companies already have been exposed routing communications to the NSA. Now, keyword tools — typed and spoken — link to the global security matrix.

Public sound surveillance — This technology has come a long way from only being able to detect gunshots in public areas, to now listening in to whispers for dangerous “keywords.” This technology has been launched in Europe to “monitor conversations” to detect “verbal aggression” in public places. Sound Intelligence is the manufacturer of technology to analyze speech, and their website touts how it can easily be integrated into other systems.

Biometrics — The most popular biometric authentication scheme employed for the last few years has been Iris Recognition. The main applications are entry control, ATMs and government programs. Recently, network companies and governments have utilized biometric authentication including fingerprint analysis, iris recognition, voice recognition, or combinations of these for use in national identification cards.

DNA — Blood from babies has been taken for all people under the age of 38. In England, DNA was sent to secret databases from routine heel prick tests. Several reports have revealed covert Pentagon databases of DNA for “terrorists” and now DNA from all American citizens is databased. Digital DNA is now being used as well to combat hackers.

Microchips — Microsoft’s HealthVault and VeriMed partnership is to create RFID implantable microchips. Microchips for tracking our precious pets is becoming commonplace and serves to condition us to accept putting them in our children in the future. The FDA has already approved this technology for humans and is marketing it as a medical miracle, again for our safety.

Facial recognition — Anonymity in public is over. Admittedly used at President Obama’s campaign events, sporting events, and most recently at the G8/G20 protests in Canada. This technology is also harvesting data from Facebook images and surely will be tied into the street “traffic” cameras.

Well this is all a bit freaky seeing as though some of the devices and networks listed here are things we have made apart of our daily lives I mean our cell phones???? How are we suppose to live without those??? The purpose of this article is not make one fearful but to make one informed which is very contrary to the popular cliche that 'ignorance is bliss'. Ignorance is ignorance! Being informed always gives you the edge in a world that is constantly changing and is an advantage for any citizen. One could choose to be afraid or one could choose to be smart! The latter is obviously a better choice!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Are You Being Told What To Think? Are You A Lazy Thinker?

                                    Well of course we must study our daily actions, our thought patterns, our reasoning, and be familiar with who we are in order to answer this rather seemingly simple question. In truth, how often do you make decisions based upon necessity and compulsion? How often are you thinking for yourself, or do you ever think for yourself at all?

What must be realized is that of how the idle mind works! What is an idle mind? In terms of Christianity, the bible warns against having an idle mind, going as far as to say it is "the devils workshop". An idle mind is one that is not thinking, unoccupied, uninterested, and unproductive. You may even say an idle mind is a mind that is "asleep"! A sleep to what??? To all that is being done around him, to all that directly effects him, to the REAL WORLD around him. An idle mind is given his or her thoughts and opinions by mass media tactics developed by individuals who think and think on an extremely high level. In fact, "elite thinkers" are people who have shaped our world by shaping our ways of thinking. Elite thinkers never stop thinking and they are never "asleep" (the Illuminati eye never closes).

Mass media has two faces. The face that the idle mind sees is one of which is strictly controlling. Through commercials, movies, television shows, music, entertainment (and even education some what), the media is seen as a type of god to the idle mind. We will call this person who possesses an idle mind a "lazy thinker" because indeed he is! Mass media encourages the lazy thinker to do what it wants them to do and never stray, almost treating the herds of our population like sheep. Does this sound familiar? The bible refers to humanity often times as sheep where Jesus Christ being the ultimate sheppard who came to guide the sheep and be a protector, a good sheppard who will never lead his flock astray. However there has always been an enemy, a sheppard who is not good, not nice, unloving and uncaring. This sheppard is Satan who manipulates, confuses, and leads his herd to certain destruction. Which sheppard do you think mass media would be associated with? Lets first see all that the mass media encourages  and the direction it leads its sheep in:
1) Commercials are 20-30 second videos filled with imagery suggesting that there is something the lazy thinker needs, wants, and lacks. The lazy thinker views these needs and wants to be his own when really they are ideas that are given to him or her by the media. The elite thinkers make up the mass media and are the sheep that lead the other sheep because mass media works for Satan, the bad sheppard.

2) Movies are 2-3 hour videos full of imagery that suggest a fantasy or dream of the common lazy thinker in order to keep him thinking about what is expected of him. The movies encourage and even increase the lazy thinkers fears, anxieties, and the numerous thoughts already given to him by the bad sheppard. This is done all in the nature that the lazy thinker prefers. This is relaxation, comfort, fun, and just bright enough to see a few feet in front of them. Just think about how it looks in a movie theater.

3).Working a 12 to an even more unreasonable amount of hours in a day is not uncommon for the lazy thinker. They receive a paycheck that is used to pay bills, support his or her family, and afterwards is then spent on the different things they think are fun or will bring them happiness.What the lazy thinker thinks is fun or is a bringer of happiness is only monetary avenues set up by the elite thinkers, the mass media, to help  keep the lazy thinker on his path, to keep him working, to keep him dreaming, to keep him listening and most importantly to keep him "asleep".

4) The elite thinkers who control mass media encourages the lazy thinker to feel certain ways regarding his sexuality. The most common way lay thinkers are encouraged is to feel that sex means nothing, that it is done on impulse, like having a snack, or going to the store to buy something you think you need or like. Secondly, they are made to feel that sex holds no moral or holy sanctification, that sex is not a sacred act and can be associated with all the other functions of the body. The lazy thinker is made to feel that they are only as good as the last time they had sex because sex is treated just as material things are. The more you have the better you are.

5) The mass media hates to lose a lazy thinker just as a sheppard hates to lose one of his sheep. This is why the media encourages his sheep to join  groups, adopt a faith, become apart of something that other lazy thinkers are apart of. Once they are apart of something the lazy thinker is not as the elite thinker is. He conforms. He is easily  molded and influenced. This keeps the lazy thinker a lazy thinker! Only in a few rare instances does a lazy thinker rise to become an elite thinker. This is because the media even controls religion. It tells the masses how and what to believe in about God, putting limitations on their view of God, making them see a distorted view of the true and living God. God, the good and wise sheppard, must be perceived on a level not like that of the lazy thinker but on a level as that of an elite thinker though both are indeed sheep. This is why the bible teaches  "my people perish for lack of knowledge".

                                               Who are you? Are you an elite thinker? Are you an average thinker that dangles between the two extremes? Or are you a lazy thinker being given your thoughts and opinions because your mind is asleep. Whatever you believe, whatever your race,  whatever your dreams or occupations, WAKE UP! Perceive the world around you and make deductions! Acquire knowledge about your world! All of humanity holds the potential to become elite thinkers!Who do you want to be? Decide and be thus so!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

How Major Hurricanes Bring Major Bucks For Companies!

                                    "Certainly, our industry does see an increase in demand during these times", says Jeff Dudan, CEO and founder of Advanta Clean, a major disaster cleanup company that has been in operation for 17 years! They are just one of the companies and businesses that will be making money after and leading up to Hurricane Irene. For these businesses a natural disaster means big bucks! As Hurricane Irene draws closer to the East Coast, residents are greatly encouraged to evacuate several areas where the storm will hit the hardest. Moving companies will certainly benefit from this prompting as millions have already evacuated and have needed, and will need in the future, a moving company to carry and relocate all of their possessions, things they don't want taken away by the storm. Already 300,000 people have had to evacuate their homes in New York City and Mayor Bloomberg has said about the evacuation that 'you have to start now!'  With a storm bearing 78.5 miles per hour winds, who will be moving these people and their belongings to safety? You guessed it! The small moving business will now be on the move, making sure the people evacuate and thus making a great amount of money in the process.

As unexpected as a hurricane is many people found it a surprise that their area would be affected and they are in need of funds to prepare their homes, evacuate their families, and buy basic necessities for living throughout the time period of the storm and some time after if the hurricane does more than the expected damage.

Banking systems will benefit tremendously as people will most likely need to apply for loans after a natural disaster or open new lines of credit, at the most extreme take out money they do not have in their account resulting in millions alone in overdraft fees/penalties. 

Whether the storm weakens or strengthen, insurance companies are not taking  a chance either. Taking advantage of the opportunity given to them by natural disasters, insurance companies have encouraged many home owners to ensure their homes or adjust their insurance claims on their homes in order to prepare for any major damages their homes may encounter. Well this sounds like a great idea from their point of view. Many have already jumped on board with their insurance company and have taken them up on various offers to which higher insurance rates may result and may just be the underlying purpose of an insurance companies "concern" for their clients home. How thoughtful of them.

We cannot forget miscellaneous industries such as the gigantic Walmart industries, major home repair industries like Home Depot, and other businesses that sell utilities, food, and other necessary supplies for a high impact hurricane. $$$$! An average hurricane supply list includes water, batteries, flashlights, blankets, canned foods, cereals, first aid products, hygiene products, and so much more! Not to mention supplies to prepare the exterior of your home. Hurricane shutter are a big sell during these times.

                              With all this being said, whatever the expenses are in a natural disaster its important to do what you have to do to be safe...if it costs a pretty penny! Hoping and praying for the best is not a bad thing either and doesn't cost you anything! Stay safe and know that God is in control...even if your safety expenses leaving you seeing double!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why Do Some People "Need" To Insult Others?

                                           Have you ever come across individuals who seem relieved after insulting or passing judgement against someone else? Even though its hard to believe that there people who actually "need" to do this, it is both true and very common in a pressured society. For someone who has found the wrong outlet for their stress, insulting others gives them comfort for their own imperfections, makes them feel powerful, and helps them to feel better about themselves. Helplessness for this individual is the root of all of his or her emotional problems and insulting people is their outlet....the wrong outlet. Many people don't realize they have this need to pass judgement or insult others without reason. This is because in their subconscious mind their "needs" of validity are being met through doing this when in actuality it is creating more of the feelings they are trying to get rid of by venting through insults.

What does it mean to feel helpless? Feeling helpless is to feel that you are not getting or receiving what you feel you need. If you are someone who needs to feels weak then you may also feel helpless to change this feeling of weakness until you actually begin to do something about it. Insulting others can make you feel a temporary power, a power that one would feel if he had just stepped on a bunch of ants. Of course this power is the weakest type of power and goes away once you stop insulting people. This is why a person who feels he needs to insult others has to keep doing it, even if he doesn't feel like it sometimes. One should never seek to feel powerful by belittling others for if this power depends upon other people then is this really power? Real power stands alone and needs no one to depend upon or validate it. In fact, power validates others!

In a pressured society it is not uncommon to find individuals searching for outlets all around them. Any way to relieve the stress and the pressure of society on them is what individuals will depend upon and feel they "need". Passing judgement, insulting, and belittling others is the most passive and easiest outlet to find and rely upon. This is why it is so common! Whatever society is making them feel, they pass these feelings on to others through their outlet of insulting people. In a pressured society the people mimic the society. If they are being pressured they will in turn pressure each other. This is why insulting your neighbor has even taken on a new identity in certain societies. It may be seen as cool, sassy, or "the thing to do". In some places it can even become apart of common communication and it is not unlikely that these places are usually popular cities where the culture is so diverse and causes pressure within itself.

To feel better you must do better. There is no escaping it! Insulting, belittling, or downing others will only make you feel more of all the things you're trying to avoid because what is temporary can never be a solution to what is consistent. If you feel consistently helpless then do something that consistently changes that! If you are consistently feeling stress then find a consistent outlet for that stress. Negative outlets are always temporary because they create trouble and the bible says that trouble does not last always. Find a positive outlet and it will be consistent because whatever good that is produced will always find a way to keep reproducing itself. The bible says that the wicked are cut down as chaff but the just flourish as the noon day. Let God be your outlet. Let Him be the power you seek. Let Him handle your imperfections and you will never have to insult others to feel better about them.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Face Reading: What Your Facial Features May Say About You!

                                               Did you know that your facial features and their unique proportions hold meanings behind them that actually mirrors your personality? Scientific studies for many years have been conducted on the relationship between personality and facial features and what they've found has been proven to be true all around the world, even being used in marketing techniques for businesses and numerous media forms like television and the big screen! Researchers have found themselves statistically studying the behavior of individuals with specific facial features. You can conduct your own small study as well! Just look around you!Have you ever noticed that people with certain facial features that are alike tend to behave in the same way or share certain behavioral characteristics? Another example would be babies. Inspite of race or social status, babies all act the same and share the same facial attributes until they grow up and begin to develop unique features of their own. This is not by chance. It is because facial features and proportions are connected with personality traits.
                           How accurate is this study? Statistical research has related 68 personality and behavioral traits with unique facial features with an amazing accuracy of 90%! On the other hand, these studies have been around since our ancient ancestors and there has been just as much skepticism surrounding the studies as there are now, but businesses and the media have not thrown the idea of face reading to the wind entirely! In fact they have often begun to capitalize and incorporate face reading in their marketing strategies! Here are some facial features and their connected personality traits. Don't be surprised if you begin to see connections between people in commercials, movies, and the people you meet everyday!

Straight Forehead- This person is a progressive thinker. These people always think in order, point two coming after and only after point one. This person may be perceived as dumb however they are extremely intelligent! This person may find it difficult to think under pressure because he or she needs more time to think progressively but when they do they produce phenomenal ideas, strategies, and solutions!

Curved Forehead- This person is a creative thinker. They are able to think creatively at a whim and are very skilled in the arts! However this person hates restrictions, rules, stereotypes, and conventional routines. They think outside of the ordinary and life for them is hardly about numbers for they dislike math and subjects that primarily involve math.

Sloped Forehead- This person is an impulsive and fast thinker. He or she is very good at using their reflexes and often jumps ahead of themselves as well. They also talk faster and relate ideas at a faster speed than usual. However they are so very fast decision makers and can come to very swift conclusion about new people or circumstances.

Small Distance Between Eye and Eye Brow- This person is the favorite of a business man or sales person! He or she is not hesitant in their thinking and often times loves to go shopping or buy things with great haste and little thinking. It does not take much to sell them on something because they are very embracing and love trying new things!

Large Distance Between Eye and Eye Brow- This person would rather use the wait on making decisions and rarely makes them without thinking. It is rather hard to sell them on new ideas without many supporting facts and reasons. He or she never rushes on things and would often likes waiting to come to conclusions.

Relatively Big lips-This person loves talking and sharing their opinions and ideas. This person provides good company as he or she will hardly ever be silent or reserved. They can be very helpful for relating information for they will give you full details with little inquiring on your part.

Relatively Small Lips- This person is not talkative at all and only relates information when asked. He or she is great at keeping secrets or concerns. This person may be overly cautious however and unadventurous.

Eyes Closer Together- This person pays very close attention to detail and is great at focusing and concentration. These people dislike being disturbed or distracted and they love hearing about things that other people would find uninteresting. This person is easily stressed.

Eyes Farther Apart- This person often looks at the bigger picture! He or she is always relaxed and rarely gives importance to detail, however this person may find it hard to concentrate. This person can tolerate a great deal of outside circumstances without letting it influence him or stress him out.

Large Nose- This person dislikes routine and mundane work. They prefer making their own rules and love competition or moving up in rank. These people hate receiving orders and never like being passed over or unnoticed. They must always feel important.

Small Nose- These people enjoy monotonous work like filing or data entry. They are very systematic and routines are actually preferred by them. However these people would rather avoid confrontation and stay within limitations or barriers.

Round Tipped Nose- This person is often really inquiring and can be nosy at times. These people like to know about everything and hates feeling as though something is being kept from them. He or she is always looking for information and will sometimes try to pry things out of you and so they ask a lot of questions.

Straight Eye Brows- This person is a logical thinker and gives ear to facts over feelings. They are good with solid thinking and proof over emotional thinking and feelings. They are often bored with opinions and look for facts.

Meeting Eye Brows- This person never stops thinking! They are always analyzing and processing information in their mind, finding it hard to relax or sometimes even sleep. When major events happen in their life they will never forget them and often thinks about things that happened in the past.

Pointy Arched Eyebrows- These people are extremely authoritative and will fight for rank or position. They love confrontation and always seek a high status. They also love feeling important.

Thin Eye Brows- This person is very sensitive and non-confrontational.  They're feeling are easily hurt and they are easily wounded so do not shout at them or try and force your opinions on them for they are sensitive.

Curved Eye Brows- This person is very friendly and open. They love sympathizing and relating with others! They are also very loyal.

Protruding Cheek Bones- This person is courageous! He or she never escapes a fight and is always brave in the face is despair or hopelessness. Most often he is looked up to or called upon by others in times of need and is sometimes considered a hero and often times someones best friend or great source of inspiration!

....Interesting huh???!!

                            There are many more facial features and they're connected personality traits that are not listed here and they are all equally interesting! On another note, do not by any circumstance think that your facial features have anything to do with your capabilities or your quality of life because anyone, regardless of facial features, can change their personality and their lives! No one is restricted in life by their outer appearance for change is always inevitable! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more articles on Our World Revisited!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Psychological Affects of Chocolate!

                                           The fact that its delicious is not a valid reason for the feelings we experience unconsciously while eating chocolate!While some may be allergic to or dislike the taste of chocolate (an extremely RARE instance), many people both young and old love eating chocolate or foods that consist of chocolate. In fact, chocolate is one of the most popular foods on the planet!....but why??? Aren't there other mouth watering treats to indulge in that taste just as good? Why is chocolate a "must have" for so many across the globe? Most importantly why is chocolate loved more by women than by men?
                           Chocolate is not only EXTREMELY tasty, but it helps the body create a chemical hormone called Phenylethylamine. This is the same chemical hormone your body releases when you are in love! Explains a lot doesn't it? This is the main reason behind chocolate being considered an aphrodisiac or a sexual  stimulant and is given more often to women on Valentines Day.....or basically any other occasion where men are hoping to get lucky!...generally speaking of course...

                         Another feeling that is common to experience while eating chocolate is feelings of being happy or the psychological affects of being happy! It would be a broad generalization to say that if you want to happy all you would need to do is eat chocolate, however, it is scientifically proven that chocolate aids the body in releasing serotonin, a hormone in the body that stabilizes moods, prevents sudden changes in mood, and can even prevent depression! This is why chocolate is preferred by women most often during their menstrual cycle when their hormones can often cause terrible mood swings. Women have an interest in chocolate due to the way chocolate stimulates the amygdala. The amygdala is a part of the brain that deals primarily with sexual desire and emotions. Not only could these be reasons why women enjoy chocolate more than men do but another reason could be the mental alertness and increased concentration that chocolate has been known to create!

                        Dopamine, the hormone that helps mental awareness and concentration has been proven to be aided in its release by none other than the famous study food......CHOCOLATE! This is the reason why most people prefer studying with snacks that contain or solely consists of chocolate. Alertness and concentration aids in retaining information and remembering a large number of facts as well, contrary to popular belief that its sweetness causes anxiousness like that of a soft drink or hard candy. 

         Now that you know the psychological affects of your favorite treat, enjoy your favorite choco-snack! : )

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why Lions Should Never Play With Cats!

                                           In life there are lions and there are cats. You may be thinking well duh silly! o_O I'm not talking about animals...I'm talking about human beings! Lions are people who don't give a rip about what people think about them because they're beliefs about themselves won't let them! Just the way lions won't play around with any other animals but themselves..lion hearted individuals should do the same...however this is not always the case. Sometimes individuals who are lion-hearted are not even aware of it and as a result they feel strange when they try to hangout with a group of cats. They find themselves just not fitting in. Well maybe the reason is because this person is a lion and the others are lunch! When a lion is born he does not leave the pride to go live with a group of hyenas. He stays with the pride and travels with them, hunting and scouting their grounds, maintaining his life as a lion. Lion-hearted individuals do the same. They do not leave their pride to hangout with a bunch of cat-hearted people because all they are use to certain things that only lion-hearted people enjoy, like freedom. They're also use to being respected. Most importantly they are use to eating good!
                         If you have the heart of a lion you know what it feel like to not give a rip about what anyone thinks of you. You're the type of individual who leads, not follows, and so you are free to roam your grounds, unrestricted and uninhibited. Having freedom is always a given for you because you are at the top of the food chain and this freedom is hard to compromise. Lion-hearted people should not surround themselves with people who are not because the first thing these people realize about you is that you are free and they are not. These people notice that you do things that they can't do because they are not lions. This is bad. You can have wonderful plans, amazing dreams, and spectacular vision for the future as a lion heart and these cats...will discourage you out of these dreams because they are afraid. The vision that you have matches your freedom, this is why you can't share your visions and dreams with people who are not free, people who are not lion-hearted.
                     Its quite obvious that lions are use to being respected. When they roar everything and everyone scatters! They command attention just by their appearance and they are never ashamed. You will never see a lion hiding from anything, not even other lions, except when its about to attack! This is the same way lion-hearted people are. The reason lions should never play with cats is because cats are not use to being respected. All their life they have been afraid of the tiniest sound, at the slightest hint of movement the race into the bushes. If you are a lion you will grow bored, angry, or quite confused at this because you aren't use to running away in fear. Sometimes cats will tell you why you should be afraid so much that you will start to believe it and you will become cat-hearted as they are. The problem with this is that you know what its like on the other side, to be the one causing the fear, so you will always be in between, lost in a shuffle of lions and cats until one day you get tired and fed up, throw back your head, and roar!
                   And food? Well we all know that lions always get the "lion's share" out of every meal they eat. Lions are use to humongous portions, large pieces of meat and even the best part of every animal they kill. Once the lion is done eating then the other animals come and have their share of the dead animal, and after the buzzards and vultures take over. So wouldn't it be hard for a lion to eat cat nip? Wouldn't it be bizarre to feed a lion a bowl of milk? What cats get their fill from will never be enough for a lion....even if the lion wanted to eat it he would quickly become frustrated at how fast it finished and belt out in rage! This is the same with a lion-hearted individual. Lion-hearted people will not be able to be suffice with the petty things cat hearted people are enlightened by. These are things like gossip, rumors, lies, offenses, and others issues that cat-hearted people are thrilled to indulge in. This is why you, as a lion heart, will never fit in with a group of cats. At most, all you will be able to do is provide a cat-hearted person with a sense of self worth and a good image with other people. However, whats in it for you?

Be the lion that you are and do what lions do. Be the king of the jungle that you are because you will never be a cat and quite frankly, who wants to???

Monday, August 1, 2011

Natural World Catastrophes That Prove to be Man-Made

                                                      When you think of life on Earth what do you associate it with? Freedom and liberty is not an option given to all of the people on Earth and neither is the promise of safety, food, clean water, and a healthy environment. However what is promised is the existence of war and politics. From the poorest to the richest country, every civilization has a leader or a group of leaders that form their basic civil authority figures. This is always promised. Rules and laws, statutes and ordinances are also promised in every civilization as well. There is no place on Earth that can promise the provision of humanity's needs to survive, however laws, rules and ordinances are promised and is basically what people have to look forward to. Along with these laws and ordinances come politics...another thing promised by our world. And what is politics without war? One reviewing these facts  would be led to believe that  human life is not deemed as important as it should be across the globe. Instead, money takes precedence over all, and the rules, laws and regulations created by man takes precedence over the actual man himself. When this happens you can guarantee that human life is not respected, cherished, or esteemed in anyway. It becomes nothing for an entire civilization to die or a certain group of people to be cut off from food and basic necessities for survival, even though one man in another part of the world has enough money to feed a million men in another. So what am I saying to you? It is not surprising to find that many of the world's "natural" catastrophes are in fact man-made and have even been planned as a war strategy, political counterattack, or civil "way of keeping down the masses". Researchers, analysts, ex-government officials, politicians, agency heads, supervisors and public responders all hold some world catastrophes under the eye of skepticism due to government action in response  to the event and the findings before and after the event actually occurred. Many believe it is the underhand workings of the "Illuminati", a massively organized plan to bring the about "New World Order" in which many governments officials, high offices, municipalities, politicians, and even some celebrities are apart of. If such catastrophic events were planned at all remains in question, however facts don't lie. Here is a list of "natural' disasters that shook our world and the facts that lead to its preconception.

Hurricane Katrina of August 29, 2007

            The disaster that struck New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana has been analyzed and researched since mention of its occurrence and greatly after! Besides this fact, underneath constant updates and reports about weather conditions, including the increasing and decreasing strength of it, where it will make land fall, the eye of the storm, wind speeds, predicted paths and even its aerial scale proves that the government has already developed technology enabling control and reduction of hurricanes. The way that the United States government responded to the news of Hurricane Katrina's devastation was as if it were expected and the way the victims and those who were killed were unacknowledged and not even a single memorial was made for them seemed as though they were packaged away and shelved in our history under "natural disasters". No names were collected and no recollection of these people were taken except for the memories that are held on to by their loved ones. It is also argued that years after Hurricane Katrina there has not been an adequate funding for the rebuilding of New Orleans, that this will be done out of tax payer money, thus leaving one to wonder where federal aid all organizational funding will be going to. The repair of the city's infrastructure and rebuilding of it's levees were not even broadcasted or put into the public eye with updates on its status and what was done to improve the quality of the levees. Many researchers and analysts argue that bankers (Illuminati affiliated) will make billions in interest form government loans, operational funding and individual businesses from Hurricane Katrina's impact on New Orleans, hence the slow response or "no response" at all to this disaster. In fact in 2001 FEMA warned that a hurricane would strike New Orleans as one of the three most likely disasters in the United States but Bush administration actually cut New Orleans flood control funding by 44% to pay for the Iraq War.

Asian Tsunami of December 2004 

      All are aware of the tsunami that overtook the Asian Peninsula back in 2004. What we're unaware of is that simple facts such as the definition of a submarine is the obvious clues to how tsunamis of a great magnitude can be created, especially under the suspicious circumstances of Asia's tsunami of 2004. Governments deny the existence nuclear bomb testing underwater but he purpose of a submarine is to protect against "underwater nuclear explosions"! At the time of the Asian tsunami in 2004 the United States was at war with Iraq and nuclear warfare was indeed a hot issue seeing as though the Iraq forces had the potential to release a nuclear weapon at the time. Something sounds a little fishy here doesn't it? Underwater nuclear bomb testing is the only way to test a nuclear bomb without it leveling an entire least not the region where the bomb would be detonated. Would a country be so selfish and careless as to sacrifice the lives of another region in order to test war weaponry??? "It is impossible to have an underground nuclear test without creating an earthquake", says Shyum Kumar of Tsunamis are caused by just this...underwater earthquakes or movement that upsets ocean currents. Could this be why information surrounding nuclear testing is so classified? Whats obvious can't be truly hidden from the intelligent. A simple experiment in water reverberation will show you how a tsunami (a gigantic wave basically) can be created. "We told them it would kill people, wreck infrastructure and destroy livelihood but our warnings were falling on deaf ears. My team and I decided to bypass the national and local governments and start warning people directly. I hope our efforts saved some lives"   -Times Online, January 2, 2005

2010 Earthquakes Including the Infamous Earthquake in Haiti

                    Tectonic weaponry has long been in the possession of nations that could afford them and have the political power to wiled over other nations. Just like nuclear weaponry, tectonic weaponry is used to cause damage to the infrastructure of a country, however with tectonic warfare it is done by creating shifts in the Earth's palate, creating a earthquake which takes on the disguise of a natural disaster rather gracefully with no questions asked. However, this type of warfare has a humongous backlash, effecting unintended areas and causing more havoc than directed to.....and this is known by many governments it is used by, just like nuclear warfare, no one cares about the effects as long as the "greater mission" is accomplished. Sadly this is at the expense of of millions of innocent people who are by "chance" happen to be extremely poor. What a coincidence....Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has reportedly said that the earthquake in Haiti was caused by a U.S. tectonic weapons test launched by the U.S. Navy which is capable of triggering a powerful earthquake off the coast of Haiti. Among this fact, other research has found that there isn't even a fault line in Haiti for a natural earthquake to occur. Its proven but hardly known that 20% of the earthquakes on earth are created by man and also the fact that a Haiti disaster relief scenario had been envisaged at the headquarters of the U.S. Southern Command in Miami one day prior to the actually earthquake occurring, meaning that someone new something was coming indeed and 24hrs could have saved most of the countries population if not all!

There are many catastrophic events both natural and unnatural that have occurred in our world but one thing is certain...the world does not belong to man! Even though he tries to determine who lives and who dies, whose important and who unimportant, GOD (yes he EXISTS!) has the final say! No organization, group or government can do what he has not already allowed them to for the world and all that is therein belongs to Him.


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Welcome to Our World Revisited