Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why Do Some People "Need" To Insult Others?

                                           Have you ever come across individuals who seem relieved after insulting or passing judgement against someone else? Even though its hard to believe that there people who actually "need" to do this, it is both true and very common in a pressured society. For someone who has found the wrong outlet for their stress, insulting others gives them comfort for their own imperfections, makes them feel powerful, and helps them to feel better about themselves. Helplessness for this individual is the root of all of his or her emotional problems and insulting people is their outlet....the wrong outlet. Many people don't realize they have this need to pass judgement or insult others without reason. This is because in their subconscious mind their "needs" of validity are being met through doing this when in actuality it is creating more of the feelings they are trying to get rid of by venting through insults.

What does it mean to feel helpless? Feeling helpless is to feel that you are not getting or receiving what you feel you need. If you are someone who needs to feels weak then you may also feel helpless to change this feeling of weakness until you actually begin to do something about it. Insulting others can make you feel a temporary power, a power that one would feel if he had just stepped on a bunch of ants. Of course this power is the weakest type of power and goes away once you stop insulting people. This is why a person who feels he needs to insult others has to keep doing it, even if he doesn't feel like it sometimes. One should never seek to feel powerful by belittling others for if this power depends upon other people then is this really power? Real power stands alone and needs no one to depend upon or validate it. In fact, power validates others!

In a pressured society it is not uncommon to find individuals searching for outlets all around them. Any way to relieve the stress and the pressure of society on them is what individuals will depend upon and feel they "need". Passing judgement, insulting, and belittling others is the most passive and easiest outlet to find and rely upon. This is why it is so common! Whatever society is making them feel, they pass these feelings on to others through their outlet of insulting people. In a pressured society the people mimic the society. If they are being pressured they will in turn pressure each other. This is why insulting your neighbor has even taken on a new identity in certain societies. It may be seen as cool, sassy, or "the thing to do". In some places it can even become apart of common communication and it is not unlikely that these places are usually popular cities where the culture is so diverse and causes pressure within itself.

To feel better you must do better. There is no escaping it! Insulting, belittling, or downing others will only make you feel more of all the things you're trying to avoid because what is temporary can never be a solution to what is consistent. If you feel consistently helpless then do something that consistently changes that! If you are consistently feeling stress then find a consistent outlet for that stress. Negative outlets are always temporary because they create trouble and the bible says that trouble does not last always. Find a positive outlet and it will be consistent because whatever good that is produced will always find a way to keep reproducing itself. The bible says that the wicked are cut down as chaff but the just flourish as the noon day. Let God be your outlet. Let Him be the power you seek. Let Him handle your imperfections and you will never have to insult others to feel better about them.


  1. It's your job to evaluate others and pass judgment- That's how we survive-

  2. Judging people to see if they're friend or foe? Yeah, that's how we survive, but judging people because of their behaviors or interests? No, that's only because you are insecure.

  3. The rude people who go around insulting and verbally attacking others are the ones with the real problems- just MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and get a life! Are you that bored with your pathetic life you go around arguing with other people to get attention? Especially bitter old men! You are the most disgusting pathetic bunch I used to feel sorry for old people but most of them are argumentative, bitter and RUDE. They even try to argue with you for 'attention' cause they can't get it any other way and thats just plain disgusting. Go argue and insult yourself! BYE

  4. People are especially NASTY in Massachusetts - can't wait to leave this RUDE DUMP STATE!

  5. And what would a "good" outlet be? Sure you are quick to determine what is "good" or "wrong", but no real substantial solution or alternative is given.

  6. And you even mention the bible... don't get me started, religious.

  7. This is a perfect article. I do not know why other people are giving you flack for it. They are the type of people who are likely just internet trolls. This is well written and explains a lot about why nasty people act the way that they act. Thank you for this article. It helps dearly and God Bless you!


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