Well of course we must study our daily actions, our thought patterns, our reasoning, and be familiar with who we are in order to answer this rather seemingly simple question. In truth, how often do you make decisions based upon necessity and compulsion? How often are you thinking for yourself, or do you ever think for yourself at all?
What must be realized is that of how the idle mind works! What is an idle mind? In terms of Christianity, the bible warns against having an idle mind, going as far as to say it is "the devils workshop". An idle mind is one that is not thinking, unoccupied, uninterested, and unproductive. You may even say an idle mind is a mind that is "asleep"! A sleep to what??? To all that is being done around him, to all that directly effects him, to the REAL WORLD around him. An idle mind is given his or her thoughts and opinions by mass media tactics developed by individuals who think and think on an extremely high level. In fact, "elite thinkers" are people who have shaped our world by shaping our ways of thinking. Elite thinkers never stop thinking and they are never "asleep" (the Illuminati eye never closes).
Mass media has two faces. The face that the idle mind sees is one of which is strictly controlling. Through commercials, movies, television shows, music, entertainment (and even education some what), the media is seen as a type of god to the idle mind. We will call this person who possesses an idle mind a "lazy thinker" because indeed he is! Mass media encourages the lazy thinker to do what it wants them to do and never stray, almost treating the herds of our population like sheep. Does this sound familiar? The bible refers to humanity often times as sheep where Jesus Christ being the ultimate sheppard who came to guide the sheep and be a protector, a good sheppard who will never lead his flock astray. However there has always been an enemy, a sheppard who is not good, not nice, unloving and uncaring. This sheppard is Satan who manipulates, confuses, and leads his herd to certain destruction. Which sheppard do you think mass media would be associated with? Lets first see all that the mass media encourages and the direction it leads its sheep in:
1) Commercials are 20-30 second videos filled with imagery suggesting that there is something the lazy thinker needs, wants, and lacks. The lazy thinker views these needs and wants to be his own when really they are ideas that are given to him or her by the media. The elite thinkers make up the mass media and are the sheep that lead the other sheep because mass media works for Satan, the bad sheppard.
2) Movies are 2-3 hour videos full of imagery that suggest a fantasy or dream of the common lazy thinker in order to keep him thinking about what is expected of him. The movies encourage and even increase the lazy thinkers fears, anxieties, and the numerous thoughts already given to him by the bad sheppard. This is done all in the nature that the lazy thinker prefers. This is relaxation, comfort, fun, and just bright enough to see a few feet in front of them. Just think about how it looks in a movie theater.
3).Working a 12 to an even more unreasonable amount of hours in a day is not uncommon for the lazy thinker. They receive a paycheck that is used to pay bills, support his or her family, and afterwards is then spent on the different things they think are fun or will bring them happiness.What the lazy thinker thinks is fun or is a bringer of happiness is only monetary avenues set up by the elite thinkers, the mass media, to help keep the lazy thinker on his path, to keep him working, to keep him dreaming, to keep him listening and most importantly to keep him "asleep".
4) The elite thinkers who control mass media encourages the lazy thinker to feel certain ways regarding his sexuality. The most common way lay thinkers are encouraged is to feel that sex means nothing, that it is done on impulse, like having a snack, or going to the store to buy something you think you need or like. Secondly, they are made to feel that sex holds no moral or holy sanctification, that sex is not a sacred act and can be associated with all the other functions of the body. The lazy thinker is made to feel that they are only as good as the last time they had sex because sex is treated just as material things are. The more you have the better you are.
5) The mass media hates to lose a lazy thinker just as a sheppard hates to lose one of his sheep. This is why the media encourages his sheep to join groups, adopt a faith, become apart of something that other lazy thinkers are apart of. Once they are apart of something the lazy thinker is not as the elite thinker is. He conforms. He is easily molded and influenced. This keeps the lazy thinker a lazy thinker! Only in a few rare instances does a lazy thinker rise to become an elite thinker. This is because the media even controls religion. It tells the masses how and what to believe in about God, putting limitations on their view of God, making them see a distorted view of the true and living God. God, the good and wise sheppard, must be perceived on a level not like that of the lazy thinker but on a level as that of an elite thinker though both are indeed sheep. This is why the bible teaches "my people perish for lack of knowledge".
Who are you? Are you an elite thinker? Are you an average thinker that dangles between the two extremes? Or are you a lazy thinker being given your thoughts and opinions because your mind is asleep. Whatever you believe, whatever your race, whatever your dreams or occupations, WAKE UP! Perceive the world around you and make deductions! Acquire knowledge about your world! All of humanity holds the potential to become elite thinkers!Who do you want to be? Decide and be thus so!
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