Monday, March 21, 2011

Our World Revisited: Timing v.s.Opportunity

                                          It really sucks missing out on things! What's worse is knowing that if you had done one thing or many things differently you would have had a better chance or the opportunity would have led to breakthrough. Many people believe that timing is an extremely important factor to consider when taking advantage of opportunities and this goes back to the ideal belief that "time is money". The truth is that time is one of the many things that man would like to control. Unfortunately, time is one of the things that will always be out of the control of humanity. One of the reasons why things go haywire in the life a control freak is because one of the things he tries to control is time, among a ton of other life factors that was here before he even existed. Here's the catch! You can also be drastically right of the fact. Sometimes we shy away from things we can't control and this is often where opportunites are originated! Although we cannot control time, we can control timing! Well, the difference between the two is that timing is how we make time beneficial to us in how it is given and how it comes. For example, Suzie would have more time to study if she would nt watch television for so long. This is timing. As a result of Suzie not watching televisin for so long, she now has more time to study which helped her to pass the class and graduate! Timing in this example has been beneficial to Suzie even though she and everyone else on the planet is not able to control time itself. Suppose Suzie had done the opposite. Even though the opportunity was given to her to graduate, she missed the opportunity because of timing (what she had done with the time alotted to her). Another example would be people who own stocks or other investments. Timing for them is key to taking hold of any opportunity for advancement in there interests because just as they are concerned and express dire interest in their funds, so does the millions of other people across the globe who invest as well. The person who does not use their time wisely in investing will not be able to access opportuities quick enough before they vanish into the hands of someone who understands timing quite clearly and is it fair? Absolutely not if you're thinking in the terms of qualification because just as education qualifies you to recieve an opportunity, wisdom gives you the ability to take advantage of those opportunities.
                                    A common reason why timing in relation to opportunity is misinterpreted because the easiest way to think and interpret situations is irrationally. When under pressure, duress, or direct/indirect conflict the most common view or to have or express is the irrational one. To the irrational person, timing is not an important factor in any decision or opportunity. In their view, time revolves around them, causing them to miss out on many things in their lives. In our society irrational thinking is strongly encouraged due to the high emphasis on acting from emotions and feelings and not logic. This tactic is used by the media and our society inorder to keep things in place and running. The irrational person is often the wrecklessly emotional person who spends consisitently for temporary internal satisfaction rather than out of necessity, which stimulates the economy greatly. The irrational person is also the person easily swayed or provoked, angered, or enticed, increasing crime rate and the "notion of needing to be protected or secured". Thus, the rich get richer...and know the rest. The direct way to seize opportunities is dominantly through timing and thinking rationally increases your relationship with time, how you view it, and use it in your life. Its time for you to stop missing out on opportunity. Wouldn't you agree?

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