Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our World Revisted : Breaking Away From Mental Abuse

                            Realized or unrealized, mental abuse can effect anyone. Mental and physical states do not make you immune to this type of abuse and no one or anything can compensate for being abused. Going through mental abuse can and will effect your life in some way and often times we feel that words have no effect on our lives or how we feel...that somehow it's just apart of life, we deserve it, or we can drown it out. This is untrue and if not realized it can cost you your entire life! If you do not understand the full capabilities of mental abuse, you will not notice its effect on life and how you feel. You will become naive and unsuspecting while your relationships and endeavours suffer. Any form of ridicule and de-characterization is mental abuse! Surprised? You should be. In our society we are made to believe that the more you cover up an issue, the less it exists. The truth is the truth and just because you scratch some attributes off your definition of abuse does not mean that it is in fact not abuse. This is where all the oxymoron's we have created come into question, like constructive-criticism or tough love. Criticism can never be constructive. Telling someone what they did wrong is to critique. Telling someone how to fix it is instruction and this is constructive. Love can never be tough. It is amendable, bendable and extensible. If not how could it reach across cities and nations and unite hearts of different races and faces, and most importantly how could it have reached you? To break away from mental abuse does not mean that you will stop it from being experienced. It means you will know what to do and how to stop its effect on your life.
                                              The first major and most common effect of mental abuse is the shift in the way you see yourself and others. Relationships suffer tremendously as a result of this shift yet we naively pretend that it is because of others or outward circumstances. How you see yourself can be compromised by mental abuse from people we love and care about, or even from people we don't know. Do not accept it. Its as simple as that. Many people accept mental abuse thinking that they can somehow turn it around for good. This is untrue and also very unwise, because you cannot change something without first believing in it. Do not even believe in it. Develop beliefs about yourself from your own perspective. Think of the positive attributes of your life and focus only on these things. Become strong in who you know you are and how you feel about you. Once you have done this, be consistent. Never let your belief be swayed and you can do this by repetition. Continuously remind yourself of who you are and the great qualities you possess. It must become a second nature to you. Once this happens, anything that you hear or feel that tells you otherwise will just sound silly and absurd.
                                            The second major effect of mental abuse is that it is contagious. People who are abused abuse others if they are not aware and are not careful. It is because what you think about is what will be produced in your life. This is the reason why you must not let people or circumstances determine what you think. The fruits of mental abuse are negativity, doubt, depression, discouragement, anger, and bitterness. If these are the fruits of your life, maybe you should analyze how you think and why. At some point, these attributes have been instilled into you whether knowingly or unknowingly, and whether you want to admit it or not. If you are not aware you can pass along this abuse you've experienced and this person in turn will produce the same fruits. To break away from this effect of mental abuse you must take responsibility for your actions. You must know that how you have been treated must not determine the way you treat others and that the buck must stop with you! Do not feel that you have the right to mentally abuse others or that somehow you will be compensated for your pain through hurting others because this is also untrue. You will only become more aggravated by the outcome of your decisions and remain the victim of your own mind. Take responsibility for the way you feel and think. Don't shift your pain onto someone else because you think you have the right to for if you want to break away from mental abuse you can't justify it and spread it abroad.
                                        The third major effect of mental abuse is that it will cause you to go as far as you need to in order to feel a false sense satisfaction with yourself and others. This is dangerous. When mental abuse has taken root in your life, your barriers of morality could become compromised and both logical and rational reasoning is at stake. Soon you will find yourself taking drastic measures and going farther for satisfaction than is healthy. Ever heard of a simple argument escalating into murder, or irrational thinking costing someone their life? You must gain control. You have to break away from mental abuse and you must do it inside you. This is the only true way! Distancing yourself from it does not erase it from your mind and heart. It hides it until you least expect it.

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